Laura Bushnell – Time To Dance! – 10 January 2013

Laura Bio PhotoI am feeling something different this year. I wonder if you are too? There is a strong calling to activism now. You are an important part of the plan. Do you feel that your voice or gifts are not important? You are far more important than you can even imagine.  It is going to take all of us taking our part to make this world a place for our children to thrive. This is the time for community.

Where does your heart call you? What do you feel passionate about? If you do not yet know, then wait patiently for your calling. Take time to communicate to Source by sitting quietly and by praying. Prayer is the asking and meditation is the listening. If you keep asking but do not take the time to hear the answer, you are not connected to Source. There are times in our lives when we feel connected and of course, there are times when we feel lost. At all times we are loved. At all times we are being guided, but it does require us to listen.

Once we listen and know, of course we must act. That is the more difficult part of this plan. Action often requires risk. Risk creates intimacy with Source. The more we take what appears to be risk, the quicker we activate our true divine blueprint. It is your responsibility to act and follow your heart. No one can tell you what that is. Your heart knows. Your heart has brain cells, it has been proven by science. Science and mystics are slowly coming together. There are some things that science can never understand. How will science ever explain the smell of a rose? One must experience it to know the heaven it holds.

Following your heart will feel unfamiliar for just a short time. Once you get a taste of it, you will find it difficult to do otherwise. There have been many times in my life that I have taken that “chance” by following an inner urge or calling that to many seemed insane. I have questioned myself, of course! But it has always proven to be right for me and opened my heart to myself. Once you take those active steps, you will feel more alive. It is time to truly feel alive. Jump into life and do what you have always wanted to do.

Every flower opens in its own time – we too have our own divine opening. It is truly miraculous. I sit in joy at the thought of it. I am walking in excitement for the glorious opportunity that we all have, each and every one of us. I dance in celebration of you today….join me.

Living Celebration for 2013         

1. Find a closed flower and put it in a vase by your bed.

2. Each morning spend a few minutes looking at it – examining the color as well as the openness.

3. The day it opens put on your favorite music and dance the entire song celebrating the opening of your flower!

God Bless You,


5 responses to “Laura Bushnell – Time To Dance! – 10 January 2013

  1. debbymanynations

    Reblogged this on cedarridge2007.

  2. What an awesome idea Laura! I’m going to try that with the flower. We have some Cala Lilies that are tight buds right now and they will make wonderful unfurlings until Celebration Day. Will share this with my women friends later today. Blessings

    • Yes, A nice first article of Laura Buschnell on my blog as a author contributing. Thanks for the nice message Laura. Also to the Men I say, do place that vase with that flower also next to your bed.

      It is now also for everyone important to balance out the female and the masculine in themselves. This has nothing to do with the sexes (man or woman) or sexual preferences in what form ever. It is like ying and yang’the electic and magnetic that find new balance as it is shifted towards a new balance. But the overtone you could say in this new 5D world that is creation in unity from the heart in unconditional love will be the “female”aspect of us. The rule of the masculine aspect is over. So enjoy the blossoming of the flower and remember who you are in your core being. Love!

      Love and Light, Lucas

    • Hi Vison5d2012
      Thanks for sharing and enjoying!

  3. Thank you for clarifying that Lucas – we need all men to honor the feminine! The balance is the key. Bless you.