Ron Van Dyke – Uplifting Humanity With Collective Imagination – 3 May 2013

Uploaded on 3 May 2013 by Ron Van Dyke I finally got to listen to Tuesday’s Collective Imagination Show with Lisa Harrison and crew yesterday (…) following my own appearance on Morning Brew with Gwen Caldwell on Wednesday (…). In the latter, I got to mingle on Skype with Brian Kelly, Seraph G El, Ginger and Gwen. It was quite an experience. I am glad to be part of this group of amazing humans BEing and DOing our best to uplift humanity during this time of quantum change in our awareness. Today, I will talk about this and other things. Oh, this quote came from a friend after I wrote the blurb. “Ron – I hope this reaches you before the meditation room? ‘I slept and dreamed that life was joy; I woke and found that life was duty; I acted, and behold: duty was joy.’ ~ Tagore”

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