Tag Archives: ascende

Greg Giles – Why Some Ligthworkers Will Ascend Before December 2012 – 14 November 2011

http://www.ascensionearth2012.blogspot.com by Greg Giles link to original article 

A number of readers to a recent article I posted have expressed concern that a number of Lightworkers would be ascending before the mass ascension of humanity and their host planet Gaia. These concerns are based on the belief that these ‘departing’ souls would be forsaking their Lightworker duties for the easy life on a beautiful Neptunian beach, or returning to their home worlds for a blissful family reunion. (We will, but that comes later.) Although it is true that many Lightworkers are tasked with the important role of remaining on Earth to anchor the 5th dimensional ascension frequencies, as well as other vital tasks, there are also a number of Lightworkers whose services are called for from the 5th dimensional side of the divine plan. Continue reading