Tag Archives: Beware Of Masters At Infiltration

Ron Van Dyke – Beware Of Masters At Infiltration – 29 January 2014

(Lucas : not only infiltration, deceit, leading and control. It US doing this… not only the ones we call Cabal, Illuminati, Dark, etc.) Uploaded on 28 january 2014 by paradoxman316One of my readers commented in an email regarding my last video, “Yes, they are masters at infiltration…what a great video you put out today.” I’m sure she was referring to those who have great ambition to be in charge, not merely of their own selves, but of others. She was talking about those who relish hierarchy and want to have titles that assuredly give them power that others do not have. She was talking about those who divide the people of the world into various classes, like the caste system in India and the economic system in the west. She was talking about those who are proponents of the old paradigm system of domination with a vision of an Old World Order on steroids, which they falsely call the New World Order. Yes, people like this have become masters at infiltration; and it behooves all of us who want a world that works for everyone, a world where universal law is the law of every land, a world of equals where no one can lord it over others, it behooves us to be on guard and not only recognize these tendencies in others, but in ourselves as well.