Tag Archives: Tory Leadership : Why Cameron Will Come Back To Face Serious Trouble This Time

John Ward – Tory Leadership : Why Cameron Will Come Back To Face Serious Trouble This Time – 16 May 2013


camcalm“Calm down, calm down…”

The Tory Right senses that its hour has come

The campaign to hoof David Cameron out of Number Ten is gathering pace. Eight days ago I posted to suggest where all this was leading:

‘Mr Cameron cannot win this one. The MSM titles are a tad short on precisely where this pressure for an early referendum is coming from – perhaps because it’s coming from at least two well-known media owners…..At the weekend, a Conservative source remarked to me that “the Right wants the referendum to turn into a giant vote of no-confidence in Cameron”. I think he’s almost certainly right, and I think it probably would.’

Yesterday, Ben Brogan at the Telegraph wrote this in his regular column: Continue reading