Tag Archives: SnoopmanNews

SnoopmanNews – Lorde’s Suppressed Grammy Award Acceptance Speech (Full Transcript) 26 January 2014 – 13 February 2014

Snoopman News

Queen Bee Sting: Grammy audience told to read more


Thankyou soo much everyone for making this song explode because this world is mental. (Laughter). Planet Earth is run by psychopaths that hide behind slick marketing, ‘freedom’ propaganda and ‘economic growth’ rhetoric,[1] while they construct a global system of corporatized totalitarianism.

As American journalist Chris Hedges has identified, a corporate totalitarian core thrives inside a fictitious democratic shell.[2] This core yields an ‘inverted’ totalitarian state that few recognize because it does not look like the Orwellian world of Nineteen Eighty-four.[3] Continue reading