Tag Archives: Andy Whiteley

WakeUpWorld – Andy Whiteley – Open Letter To The Prime Minster Of “Commom Wealth Of Australia” Regarding The One People’s Public Trust ( OPPT) – 5 March 2013


On 25th December 2012 the Trustees of the One People’s Public Trust announced the conclusion of a series of UCC filings which ordered the foreclosure of corporations and corporate-governments, and the repossession of their assets. Now, over 10 weeks later, the UCC filings remain unrebutted and – more importantly – totally unacknowledged by the former governments they terminated. Continue reading

WakeUpWorld – Andy Whiteley – The One People’s Public Trust (OPPT): Your Frequently Asked Questions… ANSWERED – 25 February 2013

The momentum of the One People’s Public Trust is undoubtedly escalating. And fast! As our new social framework begins to manifest, the positive energy it is creating around the world is palpable.

And it is no surprise. The old game is over! A new social model has been enacted. And the global community is embracing it with vigour. We are digesting life-changing information at a rate of knots, and starting to re-claim our rights from our former masters. Continue reading

Wake-UpWorld – Andy Whiteley – One People’s Trust Lawfully Foreclosed Corporations, Banks and Governments For Operating Slavery And Private Money Systems – 18 February 2013

foreclosureMany of you have heard… many have not. Announced publicly on 25 December 2012, the system of Corporate-Governmental rule has been foreclosed. Legally foreclosed… via one of its own mechanisms. The “Powers That Be” are now the “Powers That Were”. All debt has been erased and corporations – including but not limited to Corporate Governments and Banks – have been foreclosed.

Sure, they may continue to play along in hopes we will play along with them. But thanks to a series of UCC (Uniform Commercial Code) filings made by the One People’s Public Trust (known as OPPT) the choice is now yours to make. A new framework for social governance is now in effect; a fact that has been ratified by the ‘legal’ framework of its corporate-controlled predecessor. Continue reading