Tag Archives: Exploring Our Obligations In The Matrix

Ron Van Dyke – Exploring Our Obligations In The Matrix – 5 January 2013

Uploaded on 5 January 2013 by paradoxman316 I could have started this over an hour ago; yet I felt I needed to spend more time exploring how I feel about the subject of obligation. I didn’t realize how deep the feelings go. How many times have we had our friends and family expect us to do something for them because of something they have done for us? How many times has it been the other way around? I realize for me how uncomfortable I feel when someone wants me to do something I don’t want to do; and they pressure me with guilt, trying to manipulate me to do it anyway because they need it. I’m sure most of us have met needy people or even been needy ourselves. How do people generally react to the needy person? Are we not pushed away when we feel the demands? And don’t we feel hurt when others don’t meet our perceived needs? What’s the solution; or is there even a solution? That’s what I’ve been meditating on for over two hours.