Tag Archives: Jesus – You Are Proceeding Full Speed Ahead Towards The Moment Of Awakening

John Smallman – Jesus – You Are Proceeding Full Speed Ahead Towards The Moment Of Awakening – 22 January 2015

john-blog-pics-0135Here in the spiritual realms, as we maintain our loving watch over you, we observe with additional joy your exemplary progress towards your awakening.  Even your mainstream news media are now finding themselves unable to completely ignore the amazing changes that are occurring all across your world, and nor are they able to avoid reporting on the waves of corruption and criminal activities that had been concealed and are now being disclosed at all levels of government.  The truth of your enslavement to corrupt business and governmental rules and regulations can no longer be hidden from you because of the courageous activities of many investigative journalists, and of the whistleblowers who have the courage to speak out. Continue reading