Tag Archives: European Parliament

Lucas – Today European Parliament Rejected ACTA Treaty – But Only After The Protests Of The People – 4 July 2012

photo: © European Union 2012 – European Parliament

(Lucas :  Comment I was watching the euronews headlines as the European Parliament rejected the ACTA Treaty in a vote live. I have my reservations with this message. Not about the rejection but about the rest that is out there. Still in the pipeline are other backdoor -out of sight and not public debated rules, regulations, laws and treaties by  UN- or UN nongovernmental agencies and other (world) corporate regulatory bodies and  (corporate) countries . They still want new bans and restrictions on our online privacy, freedom of speech and internet use, our sharing of information and using media for educational, informational and private use and our creative ways of finding loopholes to keep that freedom. I do not see this ACTA rejection as a victory but as reminder of an ongoing battle against the unjust and unlawful control of people. We have seen the UN 21 Agenda that was also not really about the environment or sustainability but about the real hidden agenda. You have been reading about it here and saw I think Lord Monckton’s video explanation. Be wise and see through those things and know the New World Order is what they want to impose on us at all costs. They need therefore all those controls in place. Freedom is not about controls it is about an other mindset and way of living which gives us the power to live with each other in peace, harmony, abundance and without fear and respecting and exercising all our unalienable rights as sovereign beings. We will prevail.) Continue reading