Category Archives: my writings

Lucas – Happy New Year – 1 January 2015

Logo Lucas_square_wordsHave a great new year and remember all that is in reach for you and is here in the NOW.  We are going to make change happen every day! It never will stop.

Much love to all of you.

Happy New Year wished by Lucas!

I am posting for more than 4,5 years  every day on my blog. I also write my own articles as well as helping others. The blog is read and viewed by millions already and has over 35.0o0 posts. Thanks for reading and viewing and discerning yourselves and keep doing so in the new 2015!


Lucas – Happy Christmas – 25 December 2014

a background photo of christmas snowflake ornaments on a black background
(Picture Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License / snowflakes_black)

Happy Holidays and may this year’s ending be the start of a new YOU living in the now and being ruled by your senses and your heart instead of the mind and without the ones wanting power and control over you. Change is inevitable whatever is going to be. Is the best if you see always something new is on your horizon and open up to it. A solution, a new beginning, a new job, a new way of doing things, all is here and now available if you are ready and see it. Take care of each other and be caring and sharing as well as making your dreams come through as individuals working in harmony together were needed for all  humanity.  Remember there is no light if dark is absent. We need to find oneness in bringing extremes into opposites being in perfect balance.

Have a nice years ending and be enjoying all. Life needs to be lived and not just endured. Splash your  inspiration and creativity colors on your new years canvas.  Make your days really merry and mild every day.

Much love,


(c) 2014 –  Copyright of Lucas, all writings of Lucas maybe published, re-blogged and posted only in full without altering anything with  the  link  mentioned in the article with name of the author Lucas.



Lucas – All Is Moving Forward – Regardless – 22 December 2014

Logo Lucas_square_wordsTime is a wondrous and difficult concept to get rid of in learning to be in the NOW. Time is lost or time is felt to be moving faster or slower, memories are fading of things we need to let go off. We have troubles connecting to that what is  of interest in the NOW.

Things still are moving forward. It is though a sequential  time experience.  If energetic pieces of the puzzle of sequences are put in place, time concepts can get lost, flashes of being in other times or dimensions or even fast forward feelings  can be experienced. Continue reading

Lucas – A Little Touch Of Love – 20 December 2014

Bourgeon de rose sous les gelées alsaciennes 2 December 2007 Author Jef132 CC free public domain

You know the feeling when you get sentimental and feel the pains of the past tense. You linger in the moment of remembrance. You shed tears over what was and has already passed. In that moment a little touch of love will magically bring you back into the moment of now and make you see things just as they are.  You know it is all right in that moment as everything just is as it should be. This moment of total presence with gratitude and happiness.

We are all able to be that little magical touch in spreading love.  A child’s laugh, a little word spoken or a hand on your shoulder or maybe a nice gesture or gift.  You can all be for that moment that love in the now and be working magic upon others in being you and acting from the heart.  The wintertime is the ending of a year cycle but also the beginning of a new. In every cycle you grow and sense more. Be a magical little touch of love for someone.

There is so much more to find in the moment of now and staying in what was or will be is not helpful.  We will in this magical moment see that all is  fine as it is . The feasts and traditions may be nice but enjoy the moment fully with your heart. The magic of love will lift up the hearts of those having a difficult time in what way ever. The touch of love will heal and have its effect without expectation of getting something back, this touch is unconditional. Our inner core of love will be the life changer for all. Just remember to be you and stay in the now.

Leave behind for now the moment of all bad things happening and things to be and see what is now present. It is all around if you see, sense and be: LOVE!

Nice holidays and enjoy.

Love and Light,


(c) 2014 – Copyright of Lucas, all writings of Lucas maybe published, re-blogged and posted only in full without altering anything with the link mentioned in the article with name of the author Lucas.



Lucas – Worlds Apart – 1 December 2014 the past weeks a lot has happened and a lot of us feel out of place. Feeling in between somewhere… It is an eerie feeling to be between two worlds.  Living in one that is the earthly now that is off and the feeling being also feeling and sensing the in touch with you new.  We are all at the moment border liners so to say.  Walking between the old only in chains  you upon this world and the you in balance with all here and on the spiritual you side.

We are all in a process of awakening to be balancing the duality within and the spiritual within into a delicate equilibrium. The constant reminder of balance in all is outpaced by the reality actions in the now of your governments, politics, media, military, economic powers and banks. The sound of the heart speaking to you is often fading in the negative of all that is perceived in the now.  A the melancholic remembrance of childhood, of holidays, of being trapped in old pains and stories of the past that was and will never be, it is making your now harsh. Continue reading

Lucas – A System Crumbles – A Call For Change – 11 November 2014

Picture by John Allan Crumbling Road Bridge. A bridge on a now bypassed section of the Dunvegan-Sligachan road in a bad way. The road is still open to traffic. (23 February 2006)

Our illicit brother and sisters that seem to keep wanting power over all have been losing in faction wars against the ones that see the ending of the FED fiat  banking system and the dollar as the world swap ending. Those others have been building a similar system to keep power as the FED is factually now in Chinese hands. The more countries shift to the other system (which is by the way just the same with an other name)  the more the printing worthless money is going on. The other system will last as long as power and greed will not make it a similar 2nd FED alike failure. The signs are clear: countries do business directly and more in other currencies than the dollar without any value. Commodities, and real estate, infrastructure is bought up in bulk by those now having the financial power or cashing in on the falling apart of the FED dollar system. Continue reading

Lucas – Bridging Towers – 6 November 2014

Bologna (Italy) The Two Towers By Patrick Clenet

The fictional realm of imprinted perception is still wanting to hold the change back as is shown more and more. The play is still going on for those believing and never stops even when the script already ended and the public got home.  A lot of this is going on on the Geo-political level or macro level.  The forces are still pulling out all the stops and real faces are shown. Hidden agendas still keep being exposed and the lit is every time popped off the kettle regardless the efforts to keep it shut. It is the time of integrating your higher spiritual connection and marrying it with you standing firmly on Mother Earth and being YOU. Sitting on a cloud in a fake belief of an all bliss state without any roots to your base where your reality is created called Earth is nothing.  The same counts for all those still being heavily earthly rooted without having any spiritual connection at all. This is also an illusion that reality is only in this defined earthly being status. The combined being rooted to you on this earth and also being connected to your higher spiritual you is what makes the balance.

We are here to learn the balance and to manage our duality and ego into a balanced state of being that will change all. It is a trying time as lots of you will have to make some heavy choices and are getting big challenges on your path. The way you handle this defines if you are more and more integrating and being balanced. We are all in a process going the way we all have to walk and you decide what your do on this road. We have to learn to cope with change as it is evermore going on.  Change is happening and keeping things, trying to format to capture to embody what is ever-changing is not possible. Holding on to certain beliefs, dogmas, ways or patterns is just showing your confinement to the old and that what you can not let go off.  The past weeks we have had a lot of sun activity and also lots of clear voices and statements from both sides of the spectrum. The progress will follow when all will meet and see the middle ground and balance. The compromise may be a way to end the duality dance.

The non-judgmental  clear and all-inclusive without boundaries is still not easy to establish into this world of millennia of duality pushed and shoved into your beings.  So as all that is set in motion it takes time to get up to speed. We will get there eventually.  If all of you are not clinging to their fortresses and newly built castles and towers. We need an open honest, transparent new way of doing things with also honoring the individual humans that can work together (not grouping up) to get things working on local levels.  Small communal change is the catalyst and see it like a stone thrown into the lake that will make circles, wider and wider. Change will grow on you all. It will become natural.  We are all equipped for it.  Be sure to keep in mind we are the ones we are waiting for and we can make it happen.  You do not need to go with the thought and manipulation police, governments  and mainstream media, and not following tv and playing dumbing down games. You can start and make a change yourselves in being an example, being you standing for a real new way of doing things, making change happen. The change will follow you as soon as you start it yourself.

More groups and organizations are falling apart.  Things last as long as it does. We have seen good intentions and bad implementation. We also saw bad things that grew eventually into something good.  We have seen the ones promising lots and leaving more with nothing than a bit of faith and belief in an old way.  Value will become more something not related to money and commodities but value of a social, human and spiritual kind. The value lies in what you can give with your heart towards helping and aiding others. The value in being in service to others.  We will change our thinking away from the egotistical needing for survival and or gain and culmination of wealth and power into a more altruistic style of thinking with the heart. Better said feeling and sensing what is best. The current state of our reality does not allow most the feeling and sensing of the real grand you as it gets clouded and overpowered by the old system.  We all need to see through it and know we can do it differently. Lots is already in small communities done different and in astonishing new ways. There is not one way of doing things but multiple and you all will find out what it is that tics each of your boxes. Be ready and open to embrace what is coming onto your path.

Much love and light,


(c) 2014 – Copyright of Lucas, all writings of Lucas maybe published, re-blogged and posted only in full without altering anything with the link mentioned in the article with name of the author Lucas.


Lucas – Humanity Changing – 21 September 2014

Logo Lucas_square_wordsThe harder the push, the harder the pull. It seems the old controlling systems are getting fully blown out at the moment. The demise of all is only met with warmongering for a new world war, spreading fabricated disease, false flags and diversions. Even keeping people in check by propaganda and lies told via the mainstream media is changing. The mainstream even gets not all news anymore fed by the controllers. Continue reading

Lucas – Questions Of Change – Are You Up To It? – 2 September 2014

Logo Lucas_square_wordsYou are fed war and terror…. do you see it?

Are you taking it in as you were taking in 9/11 without questioning?

Do you see the false information and the truths kept as the spin doctors of war and conflict are meeting for a higher war budget. They are ready declaring probably war at the people?  We have seen all around examples of total insane police, paramilitary and military misconduct, abuse of powers and force?

Lots of you are still kept believing in wrongful accusations and in misinformation and propaganda brought to you by the mainstream media. You also still belief in your education and other so-called belief it all controls of your mind…. Continue reading