Daily Archives: April 20, 2015

Blossom Goodchild – 20 April 2015

bloss arizona biggerHello! I am wondering what today’s wisdom has to offer us? Whatever it is I am sure it shall be Divinely given and uplift and inspire all. Many thanks.

The warmest of greetings to you also. We intend always, to interact in such a way that does this very thing! Regarding choice material for this communication today … we are aware that you are always seeking for the Highest Good of all … and to bring forth that which assists in the growth of One’s knowledge. Continue reading

Laura Bruno – Deconstructing Bully Culture: Shaming Class And Poverty, And Those Who Stand – 20 April 2015


Going along with the recent themes of money, abundance, sharing, and courageously, unapologetically creating and living into a new paradigm, Jamie sheds light in even more of the complex nooks and crannies, including the ways we — as individuals and as a culture — often internalize and even perpetuate the shaming and attacks on what Jamie calls “those who stand.” In a world that tells us only to value certain things in certain ways — and to treat humans (and the material realm, including our planet) like trash, the greatest potential for liberation and change comes from recognizing the manipulative, disempowering messages for what they are and then, consciously, choosing to break free and chart new territory. Continue reading

NaturalNews – Jonathan Benson – Monsanto CEO Claims GMOs Are The Only Way To Feed The World – Ever Heard Of Permaculture? – 20 April 2015

NaturalNewss Logo-April-2014(NaturalNews) If Monsanto was a person, it would be a certifiable sociopath — obsessed with itself, unaware of everyone and everything around it, and utterly delusional when it comes to facts and reality. And this seems to describe Monsanto CEO Hugh Grant to a T, as he recently told the U.K. paper The Independent that genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) are the only way to feed the world, apparently oblivious to permaculture growing methods that have been feeding people naturaly for millennia.

Read the full story at: www.naturalnews.com / link to original article

Jon Rappoport – Update: Federal Judge Drops Bomb In The Monsanto vs. Maui Case – 20 April 2015

jon7On April 15, Federal Judge Susan Oki Mollway dropped a bomb in Monsanto vs. Maui.

She ruled that the case cannot go to Hawaii State Court, but will remain under her federal jurisdiction.

The federal government’s support for Monsanto is even greater than the State Government of Hawaii’s.

And the will of Maui County voters—to put a temporary block on Monsanto’s toxic, local, GMO/pesticide experiments—is now diluted at a new remote level.

Maui County can’t enforce the vote, and neither can the State of Hawaii. Now a federal court will decide whether to nullify the will of Maui voters.

This is dictatorship. Continue reading

NaturalNews – Judge In Stanley Children Kidnapping Case Forces Sheriff To Reveal Documents – 20 April 2015

NaturalNewss Logo-April-2014(NaturalNews) The judge in Juvenile Court today has just ordered the family to have a psychologist in the home 20 hours a week to “promote harmony” in the family. Judge Wade Naramore can be contacted here.[1]

Read the full story at: www.naturalnews.com / link to original article

Jon Rappoport – Political Art That Means Something – 20 April 2015

jon7Political art that means something

Here are two cartoons by the brilliant Virginia Stoner. They comment on the vaccine wars and the denial of justice in the Monsanto vs. Maui GMO Pesticide court case. Feel free to spread them far and wide, and visit Virginia at www.nworeporter.com.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at NoMoreFakeNews.com or OutsideTheRealityMachine.

www.jonrappoport.wordpress.com / link to original article

ZeroHedge – Student Debt Accounts For Nearly Half Of US Government “Assets” – 20 April 2015

ZeroHedgeOn Friday we asked if the student debt bubble was about to witness its 2007 moment. In July of that year, all three ratings agencies turned aggressively negative on subprime-related MBS and their collective actions triggered a pre-crisis crisis in Canada where billions of asset-backed commercial paper stopped rolling in August, offering those who were inclined to take notice a window into what the financial would look like just one year later. Earlier this month, Moody’s put some $3 billion in student loan-backed ABS on review for downgrade citing a risk of default in some tranches. As a reminder, here’s the rationale:

Read the full story at: www.zerohedge.com / link to original article

NaturalNews – Jonathan Benson – WIRED Now Totally Admits What The Entire Media Called ‘Loony Conspiracy Theories’ Just Five Years Ago – 20 April 2015

NaturalNewss Logo-April-2014(NaturalNews) Remember when it was considered the subject matter of tin foil hat-wearers to surmise that everything we do, say, or search for online is being tracked by covert government agencies acting in blatant violation of the U.S. Constitution? Well, now it’s become common knowledge that we live in this exact, illicit surveillance society, as is now openly admitted by popular media sites such as WIRED.

Read the full story at: www.naturalnews.com / link to original article

Jon Rappoport – 75 Plane Crashes Into Twin Towers Every Year – 20 April 2015

jon73000 people killed on September 11, 2001.

What would happen if there were 75 attacks of that magnitude every year? Not just one year, every year.

Roughly one attack every five days.

Mad uncontrollable chaos. That’s what would happen.

Military dictatorship right out in the open; absolute and official gutting of the Bill of Rights; mass arrests and disappearances on the slightest of pretexts, huge riots, global war… Continue reading

ActivistPost – UK Man Quits Chemo And Beats Cancer With Cannabis – 20 April 2015

Logo_activistpost-comActivist Post

The US government has finally acknowledged the anticancer properties of cannabis. At this point it’s pretty difficult to ignore the evidence, including countless testimonials of people who cured their cancer with cannabis extracts.

Read the full story at: www.activistpost.com / link to original article