Tag Archives: Are You Ready

Emmanuel Dagher – Energy Forecast September 2013 – The Celestial Conversion – Are You Ready? – 3 September 2013

Emmanuelpeaceofficial1Peace and blessings, my friend.
It’s such an honor to connect on a heart to heart level with you once again. There is a palpable anticipation in the air that something BIG is about to manifest in our collective experience.
While living in the Midwest as a teenager, I had the opportunity to witness two tornadoes. For those who have been through these kinds of weather marvels, you know that right before a powerful storm is about to occur, there’s usually an inexplicable stillness that precedes it. Continue reading

The Earth Allies – Are You Ready? – 15 December 2012

Uploaded on 14 December 2012 by GalacticCentral Continue reading

Lucas – A Message From The Galactic Friends – Are You Ready – Here We Go! – 8 January 2012

Dear brothers and sisters,

As we speak the new is  to manifest upon your earth in a really short time. You can see  the first developments taking place in your media, news, internet,  writings and videos and films. Keep your eyes open. The changes taking place are also having physical and mental implications. Your lightbodies are growing to dislike certain foods and drinks as your mind ( heart chakra now) and higher self and connection to The Source is disliking more and more the lower energies from the state  of duality 3 D and below. This state is for you all in some form still existing and has to be worked on, dear ones.  You can feel the changes in and around you. Great new things are about to happen. Forget the past,  forget your current history, forget the bad things that happened. Be the love and light you always was intended  to be as we shortly will greet you as our Earth families. Continue reading