Tag Archives: Marilyn Raffaele

Marilyn Raffaele – The Arcturian Group – 26 April 2015

marilynraffaeleAPRIL 26, 2015

Greetings once again dear ones, in this time of new beginnings. We come to bring encouragement and love to the many of you who are experiencing seeming discord both within and without. Old ideas are quickly becoming obsolete and dissolving, but the new ones are not yet fully able to manifest (personally and universally) leaving you confused.

It may appear as if the world is functioning as usual, and yet you are finding that much of it no longer resonates with you in the ways you have come to know and expect. This is the confusion and causes you to question yourselves. Never doubt or believe that you are simply making things up, are over tired, or just plain going crazy as change begin to take place within your awareness. Change signifies a consciousness that is expanding–often away from what is familiar or known. Continue reading

Marilyn Raffaele – The Arcturian Group – 12 April 2015

marilynraffaeleAPRIL 12, 2015

Welcome to spring dear ones, how quickly this year seems to be moving along. Time as you have always known it is now different because as your energy is lifting and evolving so are all the qualities of the third dimension lifting and evolving. Time is simply a measure necessary while living in the third dimension.

We wish to discuss the energy of conflict. Conflict is the manifestation of duality/separation consciousness . Everyone seeks the experience of completeness and wholeness as well as to be loved because it is the only reality, the real you, the essence of every living thing. However, those who do not understand this yearning, interpret it in ways that make sense according to their three dimensional belief system. “If I act a certain way, dress a certain way. look a certain way, make a lot of money, then I will be loved and loveable. ” Continue reading

Marilyn Raffaele – The Arcturian Group – 29 March 2015

marilynraffaeleMARCH 29, 2015

Dear ones, Greetings to all in this season of Christian celebration. Know that the death and resurrection remembered at Easter were meant to provide profound spiritual teachings for all, Christian as well as non-Christian.

Spring is bringing with it new beginnings, even for those who may be trying very hard to avoid new beginnings. We speak now of those who believe that their learning curve is finished and that they are now entitled to sit back and enjoy “old age”. Those in this category will be very surprised when change begins to disrupt this cherished illusion. Everyone must be prepared for change both within and without regardless of human age and its manifestations .

Refuse to blindly accept into consciousness the beliefs and fears about aging being incessantly thrown at you by corporations who stand to profit from your fears of age and deterioration. Individual human age matters not in the spiritual journey for in reality, everyone is as old as God.

We emphasize change simply to remind all now on earth to not get too comfortable in the illusion, for you all made the choice to be a part of this powerful time of change in order to spiritually evolve and then in turn, assist others.

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Marilyn Raffaele – The Arcturian Group – 15 March 2015

marilynraffaeleMARCH 15, 2015

Dear ones, we greet you in this time of new beginnings–springtime. Many of you are exhausted, having been inundated with the issues of winter weather and sigh with relief as you see more of the warming sun which is bringing with it powerful new energies. Be prepared to experience some shifting within as well as to observe it in the general awareness of the world which will be accompanied by some weather related issues.

A new and powerful consciousness is being born and as with all births is accompanied by some pain and difficulty, much of which is dependent upon a willingness or non-willingness to embrace change. Many are discovering themselves no longer able to blindly accept the political nonsense with its accompanying rules and regulations. The self serving and adolescent behavior of many so called “leaders” is helping to open the eyes of many. It is a time of awakening and the accumulated blinders so many have lived with and taken for granted, are coming off. Continue reading

Marilyn Raffaele – The Arcturian Group – 2 March 2015

marilynraffaeleMARCH 1, 2015

We come with greetings of love and grace to assist all who seek change and deeper awareness. We observe that many have already accomplished this; you have done the work and are beginning to see the fruitage of that work.

As Gaia lifts into ever higher dimensional levels, many are beginning to more easily experience and integrate the deeper truths. Concepts previously taken for granted as being truth, have become no longer acceptable to ever increasing numbers of people. Some holding positions of leadership or fame who comfortably spewed lies or acted in ways to enhance their own power, authority, wealth, and self aggrandizement, are being exposed. This is happening because so many have begun to listen to and act upon their intuition instead of simply accepting “bought and paid for” sources of information. You are awakening from the dream. Continue reading

Marilyn Raffaele – The Arcturian Group – 15 February 2015

marilynraffaeleFEBRUARY 15, 2015

Greetings once again from the Arcturian Group. We wish to speak of transformation, a seemingly simple topic, but one that is important to the understanding of truth. Transformation flows through and as an individual when he awakens out of the dream. It manifests as the ability to “see with new eyes and hear with new ears” while in the midst of duality and separation. Transformation allows one to recognize whatever false concepts and beliefs he may still hold and replace them with truth. It brings the ability to say; “I was wrong.”

Those unable to allow transformation, delay their ascension into a consciousness of higher dimensional energy. Fear of change acts to support the continuation of third dimensional concepts and beliefs. Many who resist change are in positions as world “leaders” who acquaint any sort of transformation with loss–loss of their personal power and wealth. Because of their leadership positions, they often attract followers who blindly accept whatever these so called “leaders” believe, giving away personal power in the process. Continue reading

Marilyn Raffaele – The Arcturian Group – 1 February 2015

marilynraffaeleWe come again dear ones, to speak of love and oneness, for in reality there is nothing else. Accepting this has proven difficult for many, because outer appearances testify to separateness. Society promotes and functions from this viewpoint and it is what you have taken for granted through many lifetimes. Yes, indeed the many do appear separate, but it is individuality within ONE omnipresent Consciousness that you see.

As you mature spiritually there comes a point where you no longer judge by appearances because you understand that what you see is the mind interpretation of ever present spiritual realities. This is why the world has been called “illusion” by so many enlightened masters. The world is not illusion, how it is perceived is the illusion. Continue reading

Marilyn Raffaele – Arcturian Group Message – 18 January 2015

marilynraffaeleJANUARY 18, 2015

Greetings dear ones. We come to say that much is happening on your planet that cannot yet be seen with physical eyes. However, you are beginning to feel change in the energy of your personal world as well as on the universal level. You may begin to notice more camaraderie among those around you–a sense of oneness that did not seem to be there before. You may notice it within some group you are familiar with like a club you belong to or in family gatherings. You will notice more unity and less sense of separateness. Continue reading

Marilyn Raffaele – The Arcturian Group – 5 January 2015

marilynraffaeleDear ones, We send wishes for a Happy New Year and add that a year of the new it will be, for you have already cleared much of the energy that held you in bondage to an old state of consciousness and this will allow the new to unfold.

Never believe that your efforts to learn and express love are wasted or insignificant, for every spark of light and awareness serves to decrease the density of a general world consciousness based in duality and separation. Each day the Light of the world is becoming brighter and lighter because of the unfolding awareness of so many. All are in and of the One and therefore the Light you acknowledge within yourself, you also acknowledge for the world. Continue reading

Marilyn Raffaele – The Arcturian Group – 21 December 2014

marilynraffaeleDECEMBER 21,2014

Dear ones, Happy winter solstice. The energy of this particular solstice is bringing with it change and an energy that is being powerfully experienced by many as a deeper sensitivity to all things around them.

Our Christmas offering is a message of Peace and Joy, which we lovingly flow to you and which you then can flow as your gift to others. The words peace and joy, are seen everywhere at Christmas time and yet few take them seriously, instead seeing them as nice words on a Christmas card. Make true Peace your gift to the world every day of the year.

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