Tag Archives: Angela Peregoff

Angela Peregoff – On Target – 4 March 2013

Have you noticed that change is occurring everywhere? Certainly we can say that this is a time of great chaos as old paradigms and societies fall and new order begins to flow from purified debris. We are living at what surely is the most pivotal moment of human history, a time of unrivaled potential change. We must not, therefore, glance carelessly at or ignore completely the ingredients that have gathered together to form this moment in time as they are forming us. In noting these ingredients and in appreciating their impact and power, we can appreciate all the more why ordinary thinking is now inadequate as a resource for decision-making and processing the demands of our individual lives. Continue reading

Angela Peregoff – On Target – 25 February 2013

Throughout eons of time, various developmental phases of mankind’s evolution have taken many surprising twists and turns. As more and more parts of your non-earthly aspects align during the latest magnetic change that is sweeping the globe it will ignite a new perceptual awareness. Newly glowing insights will establish new parameters concerning the nature of intelligence, raising long over-due questions about the potentials of the human mind. Energy from space, and from our sun, can create distortions on a physical level, as well as trigger human consciousness into new areas of perception and this is exactly what is happening to us now. Channels of light are cleansing the illusions that we are merely human and driving out ancient cultural beliefs about the nature of reality. Continue reading

Angela Peregoff – On Target – Divine And Loving The Thrill – 4 February 2013

AngelaPeregoff“Since consciousness is the basis of all reality, any shift in consciousness changes every aspect of our reality. Reality is created by consciousness differentiating into cognition, moods, emotions, perceptions, behavior, speech, social interactions, environment, interaction with the forces of nature, and biology. As consciousness evolves, these different aspects of consciousness also change.” – Deepak Chopra Continue reading

Angela Peregoff – On Target – Living The Light Of True Self – 28 January 2013

AngelaPeregoff“With realization of one’s own potential and self-confidence in one’s ability, one can build a better world.” – Dalai Lama

In the latest phase of readiness for your 5D beginnings humanity stands within an entry point that provides a “window of opportunity” to delve deeper into your own Soul wisdom and maturity. Evolution in this arena of the universe is expanding in every direction and that process will impact all of us in a variety of ways. My guides are speaking regularly to me about the planetary actualization of every wo/man’s dream. Good, bad, for all, against all, into Soul expression and opposition to Soul consciousness. This will be the year that we get to see it all as the old external world is gone and each begins to busily create within the new domain. Continue reading

Angela Peregoff – The Week Ahead – Universal Stirring Suggest Replacing Ideals – 21 January 2013

AngelaPeregoff“We are here to change. We are here to grow, develop and unfold. We are progressive beings that have infinite capacity.” – Dr. Michael Beckwith

I want to remind you of the unique opportunity we have during this pivotal time of reconfiguration to hold “renewed focus”.  Each of us is being shaped by the redesign in grand ceremonial ways as we begin to live the life that better fits who we really are, beyond any negative impact of our personal and global history. Continue reading

Angela Peregoff – On Target – 7 January 2013

Bullseye21-300x144The solar system of which earth is a part of is fabulously pulsing its way toward the light of a different order, changing everything and inspiring an evolutional leap that is natural within the great schemes of things. This soon to be experienced light is of a cosmic order, and though you cannot see it from your current perspective, it is propelling you into auspicious moments of illumination and self-realization. Gaia (planet earth being) has evolved into phases and spaces that will elicit a practice of deepening to live from your internal core of truth and authenticity this year. For that reason I thought I would dedicate today’s column to some basic information on going from 3D to 5D, or third dimension to fifth. Continue reading

Angela Peregoff – The Week Ahead – 31 December 2012

AngelaPeregoffCongratulations we have completed the initial stage of “Restoration to Wholeness”. You have opened yourself to new perspectives and manifested your part within the New Dimensional era. The year 2012 was about transforming consciousness, taking responsibility in helping to turn the tide, and finding balance within Self in order to get your human self and your Spirit communicating again. After lifetimes of Soul fragmentation from the immersion within duality it feels exhilarating to move toward the next transition and a new adventure here. Continue reading

Angela Peregoff – The Week Ahead – 24 December 2012

AngelaPeregoffBlessed holiday musings to you during the time of year when humanity resides within the one moment called Eternity. This past weekend millions and millions of hearts participated in a celebration of Awakening. It was a time when many quietly resided within their lives, within their own pleasures and within the great deep peace that flowed from their inner beingness. My holiday wish for you is that you gift yourself with the time and space to absorb all of the Divine Light structures that are making their way here this week because of that event. Continue reading

Angela Peregoff – The Week Ahead – 17 December 2012

AngelaPeregoffAs part of the gathering that has anchored a New era of evolutionary proportions here on our beloved terra firma you should be feeling a bit nostalgic about the purpose of time past and a bit reflective about the tasks that lie ahead. We have finished the bridging of two worlds project, more commonly referred to in my writings as “the shift”. We currently stand in an interim space between what we have known and what will be. We have made quantum leaps in consciousness and ascended to the primary layers of our multi-dimensionality so the union with the next level has taken place.      Continue reading

Angela Peregoff – The Week Ahead – 10 December 2012

AngelaPeregoffThere is a song written by John Denver that goes “Come dance with the west wind and touch all the mountain tops. Sail o’er the canyons and up to the stars. Reach for the heavens and hope for the future and all that we can be is not what we are.” The energy for your month of December 2012 is much like this. The great Mystery of expanded Love has merged within the physical plane of Gaia (the being that is planet earth). From this point forward no one will be untouched by the magnetism and willpower of unity consciousness. Continue reading