Tag Archives: Tom Lescher

Tom Lescher – Astrology For The Soul – 29 April 2015

Uploaded on 28 April 2015 by  Tom Lescher

Tho life is an interplay of light and dark,
From sunny days to Noah’s ark,
I will use my mind, my strength and my will,
To manifest my soul, It’s truth to fulfill.
It’s gona be a Full Moon in Scorpio weekend folks, so the transformation is not over yet. We are being shaken to our roots these days and it can be scary! Scary to confront, speak our truth, be challenged, see our limits, our judgements, and our illusions. Such is Mercury opposite Saturn which is happening at the same time.

The upside of this week is that once we react and spit our facts, we no longer are triggered and that is that (I get on these rhyming trips and can’t stop haha!). Seriously, feelings need to be felt and then they stop haggling us and ripping us up triggering guilt or shame cuz we’re “not supposed to say that!” or “feel that way” … “that’s just not nice!” But what relief, healing, and clarity can come when it’s all out there in the light, to be viewed, examined, sorted, and cleared…… We will sigh a bit AAAAAAAHHHHHH! when the work is done…. Namaste’

Tom Lescher – Astrology For The Soul April 21, 2015 – 22 April 2015

Uploaded on 21 April 2015 by Tom Lescher I am no longer afraid, To call a spade a spade, And get all the cards on the table, To co-create a better way. The key words for this week’s Mercury/Mars conjunction are “Delicate Negotiations,” as in, try as hard as you can to keep them delicate haha! Merc/Mars wants to jump in there like a laser beam and with little patience and possibly some resentment or anger, go straight for the jugular! So the down side is that you can do damage with your words this week or receive some harsh words coming at you. The upside is that it gets the yuck outa’ there! It is time to share some of your personal values or some subjective needs/wants and now you are more capable of pushing through your fears and actually “fessing up.” It may not be comfortable but it is good to be clear about where you stand and where everyone else stands (and needs) to move into the future without doubts, questions and secret agendas that can come back to bite. So if you can remain tactful and truthful this can be a good housekeeping week! Practice, practice practice haha!

Tom Lescher – Astrology For The Soul, April 14, 2015 – 16 April 2015

Uploaded on 15 April 2015 by Tom Lescher  With cool, calm, objectivity, I examine what’s going on, To get to the truth, to get to the point, So I’m not just wasting my time.

This is a test, it is only a test….. Just keep saying that over and over these days as the finances, among other things, challenges you to stay cool, calm and collected when you may be ready to scream! Some situations can come to a screaming halt after weeks of rushing madness,due to the money just not being there.

If you are experiencing lack during this time it is not necessarily a signal that you are off track so much as 1. Everything takes longer in life than in your imagination or 2. You are not a one person show and you need to enlist the support of others, or 3. Your timing is off and it is not supposed to happen until later.

There are many many reasons for financial difficulties and many of them are limited to old, patriarchal, worn out belief systems that there is not enough and/or “I don’t deserve……” Saturn is going to help us get rid of those outworn belief systems over the next couple years but he may do it the hard way, by just letting you sit there empty handed until you get it!

Lastly, in terms of love, this can be a lonely week also designed to help you examine your relationship needs vs. expectations and “ground” your expectations in “reality.” Saturn/Venus is serious about relating and is for sure helping us get on track with large doses of “truth serum or else.” Not a time to be wasting time with folks who are not in their truth (and wanting to expand it)..Wishing you speedy processing and looking forward to this week passing…. Injoy!

Tom Lescher – Astrology For The Soul April 7, 2015 – 8 April 2015

Uploaded on 7 April 2015 by Tom Lescher  It’s one thing to know, Another to see, But to change the world,
I must first change me. So much to say in so little time. The main thrust of this mantra is born out of not only the Solar eclipse in Aries but most all the personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars) in the 1st two signs of Aries and Taurus. This indicates a time where we need to focus on integrating within ourselves more than out in the “transpersonal” realm. That coupled with this 3/4 Moon really emphasizes the need to reflect and modify our own behavior/reality. Lilith over there in Virgo is really pushing us to “get it together” and hopefully the stress associated with that process is not getting displaced onto others!

Lastly, with this firey Mercury in Aries having Sun/Uranus/Pluto aspects try not to blow your top too much but say what must be said and look to see what happens….. wishing you the best… fare well!

Tom Lescher – Astrology For The Soul March 31, 2015 – 1 April 2015

Uploaded on 31 March 2015 by Tom Lescher  As a social being,I am willing to relate,Knowing that nirvana,
We need to Co-create.Tumultuous could be a good word to describe these times eh? I would say that the wave has crested and we are now surfing inside the tube. After this lunar eclipse and Sun/Uranus conjunction things will begin to settle into more predictable and stable realities, especially later in the month when the Sun moves into Taurus. For now, ride the wave! Hook up with other amazing people and bring your amazing creative solutions into reality together. In order to do that you may have work through some fears, inhibitions, and pride, but what the heck…. don’t be stopped by the small stuff haha! Injoy!

Tom Lescher – Astrology For The Soul, March 25, 2015 – 26 March 2015

Uploaded on 25 March 2015 by  Tom Lescher  As I see the deeper meaning, Of what happens in my life,
I let go of blame for all the pain, As my growth is worth the price.
Easy to get swept away on the waves and winds of change these days and either avoid or distract ourselves from the feelings associated with making them. Well, this upcoming square Moon (Cancer) this Friday may give you that opportunity. In, and under these feelings (fear, loneliness, grief……..) are teachings and meanings that our soul is seeking to learn.

While the majority of society may be distracting themselves with entertainment, it is the role of some to deepen, process, teach, and model the richness of a life lived with purposeful intention and powerful co-creation. If you have watched and read this far I am afraid you are “one of those” haha! Injoy!

Tom Lescher – Astrology For The Soul March 17, 2015 – 19 March 2015

Uploaded 18 March 2015 by Tom Lescher It’s time for me to generate, A brand new sense of Self,
To bring in my dreams and other things, To the planet I love so well.
The fun never stops on this planet! No sooner do we wrap up a 3 year Uranus/Pluto square then we enter The Eclipse Season! This Friday, less than an hour before the Equinox (Sun moves into Aries) we have a total Solar Eclipse visible from northern Europe up to Iceland. Between now and then the Moon moves through her balsamic phase into the Dark Moon phase. These couple days are ideal for retreat, meditation, dreamwork and inner work (and perhaps not much else haha!).

Rather than see the falling away of the past as a chaotic end we can surrender the old, envision the new, and build ourselves up in preparation for building it with our own two hands, ingenuity, and spirit guidance. Don’t be fraught with feelings of loss or confusion so much as trust in plan, a design, a complexly woven tapestry that with practice we can read. Once read, we align ourselves with the force of the future and become the true co-creators we incarnated to be. Blessings on your journey. Injoy

Tom Lescher – Astrology For The Soul, March 3, 2015 – 4 March 2015

Uploaded on 3 March 2015 by  Tom Lescher The time is NOW to be who I am, Fully expressed as a woman or man,
Releasing the guilt of man-made religions, To be an example for the next generations. OK! This is the month when it all comes down on either one side or the other (perhaps both for some of us). Like a tropical thunderstorm some unnecessary attachments will go and some new realities will emerge! Between this full Moon (Thursday) and the next (lunar eclipse) we will see the culmination of years worth of work and intention and Life will show us just how on or off track we have been. The tension is mounting and staying calm and centered will be the trick. Please check out the yoga section of my website http://www.NewParadigmAstrology.com for breath, yoga and meditation exercises to assist you in holding your space.

Tom Lescher – Astrology For The Soul February 17th – 19 February 2015

Uploaded on 17 February 2015 by Tom Lescher
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Tom Lescher – Astrology For The Soul Febr. 10th – 11 February 2015

Uploaded on 10 February 2015  by Tom Lescher Sometimes I keep it together, Sometimes I fall apart,
If I stay in a space of grace and joy, My life becomes living art.
This week can be the culmination of the two year Mars cycle as he is joined by Venus in the final degrees of Pisces. You may already be feeling the energy building for new creative projects, relationships, or dreams you are about to begin. Just be sure to wrap up the loose ends and resolve the past to clean the slate for your new beginning! Injoy