Lisa Gawlas – Take No Prisoners!! No More Hiding Your “Self” In The Light Of (Our New) Day! – 15 September 2014

lisagawlas2What an interesting month September is turning out to be.  Energetically very busy, physically not so much, simply due to the tremendous energetic change out happening.  I think the best way to discribe it, is like getting ready to go live in the sequel of the original story (thinking movies here.)  There is going to be familiar backdrops to the story as well as very very different ones too.  The actors (us) are all getting fitted for our new costumes, rehearsing our new lines and roles for the upcoming film.  The biggest change with this new movie is the focal point of the character themselves.  In the movie we just closed out, the focus was the human incarnate.  The theme had been getting out of our own way, strength training ourselves to Spirit, our Soul, our Higher mind.  Reprioritizing what IS important in this world of matter and realizing, applying the knowing if we do not like something, we can change it instantly and at Will.

Now, with our new movie getting ready to launch in real time as we close out September, the spotlight and theme switches from the human incarnate to the soul/spirit incarnate.  We have spent the last 21 months preparing for this massive change out of character.  Our bodies have gone thru the wringer, our minds, if we allowed, completely restrung with higher energy, wisdom, motivation, direction.  Thru this change out, our job was to fully release Will to our Soul/spirit/higher self.

It seems, we did a great job, because here we are in the enormity of September.  I kinda feel like a TMZ reporter, allowed access to behind the scenes interviews and understandings of the upcoming movie, thanx to each and every one of you that put yourself on the field so we can all get a sneak peak and better understanding of our parts in this new movie.

For me personally, I am working extra hard these days to release my own assumptions and expectations.  Man if yesterdays readings weren’t in my face with those straggling old energy things within myself.  As I mentioned yesterday in my sharing, I had seen this full moon of September open up a large doorway in its right side and all this amazing, radiant white light started flooding out.  Instantly and without question, I assumed it meant we are finally on the other side of the moon and the readings will show that.  NOT!!

I do not think we realize how important, how potent we (the human incarnate) are to this story line.  With the presentation of us moving into the belly of the moon, I knew we were being infused with the new energies for our next great adventure, but I never realized that that new energy, was also being infused with us too.  I think the best way to explain this is when we are making chicken soup stock.  We fill up the pot with water (that new energy inside the moon) then plop in the chicken (us humans) to leach the energy of the chicken into the water to create a new thing called chicken stock.  Same is happening here now.  How could our new earth come online without our physical essence within its stock energy?

So what I had seen in the big opening in the moon was the “stock” being released into the new version of earth, setting the stage for our arrival.  With that sneak peak of the opening, the moon itself changed its essence yesterday in all of the readings.  But let me back up first…

Earlier this year, thru many various readings, the eyes of spirit has been set on October.  They would show me/us the October potential that in my view eyes looked very much like a ground bloom firework.

If we take this picture, make the background filled with Light and the firework itself, completely gold in its sparks, then widen the viewing area to 10 feet tall, but leave the firework the same size… thats how I kept seeing October.  A high source of magnetic spiritual energy already changing the airwaves of earth, of the new earth that I see as October.  The closer we got to October, the more the energy started to fill the viewing screen, until we reached the apex of August, now the entire viewing screen is filled with upward moving golden sparks of Source energy.  Spirit fully aligned with the earth energy.  The human who has allowed themselves the full freedom of getting to Here, is undergoing a rapid change of energy to easily wake up on the new earth without being fried.

The moons energy and appearance changed drastically yesterday.  Instead of being fiery, it is now becoming solid in the color spectrum of gold, bronze and deep red.  What is interesting, even tho there is no “movement” to the color spectrum I see, there is a feeling of the energy moving from bottom upwards.  I found a color image online that kinda sorta looks like what I see, a lot less red tho and evenly colored across my viewing spectrum:

link to picture

As I sit here sharing and wondering… I suddenly realized the significance of this upward moving energy.  We have worked really hard to bring the energy of “heaven” down here to earth, into us, and now, the earth we are moving into, is heaven as earth.  So instead of the energies flowing downwards, it is embedded in the earth as the earth and is releasing itself to us, naturally, without our effort.  Which now makes sense as to why so many of us have been feeling the vibration, the heat in our feet.  No longer will we pull this energy down thru our crown, it will automatically be flowing thru us.  This alone is going to take some reorientation.  Think about it, we have been programmed to pull the energy from outside/above us, into us.  Now, it IS us.  It flows up thru us and requires/demands instant action.

Our training wheels are off!!!     Gulp!

I suppose this should not be a surprise to us at all, we have been warned, repeatedly over these last two years, the mantle of power is changing and being handed directly to us.  We have been given many many tests over the years to see if we are genuinely ready for this drastic change in venue.

This alone surprised me yesterday.  For the last 12 years of doing readings or personal sessions with people, I have never been allowed to say the word “test” because there was no pass or fail and spirit was adamant about people realizing that.  You cannot fail investing in your spiritual energy and attributes.  Now, it is not so much “fail” as keeping yourself back until you are truly and wholeheartedly ready and WILLing to let it all go and do it instantly… whatever “it” is.  There is also no mercy on this new earth.  We have trained hard and well and are fully responsible for what we do, or do not do, with the energy moving up thru us.

Example, if you have that one moment to assist someone else, and you choose not to because you feel inadequate or not responsible, that energy will become so prevalent in your own life.  The golden pistol returns the energy faster than you are putting it out!!

If you are being called to extend or highly develop the spiritual attributes within you and choose not to, do not be too surprised if you find life becoming stagnant around you.  We all arrived here in the depths of our own stillness as we accessed, brought in, used the higher resources of our Soul.  Now, its an action game.  Pay attention to every inspiration that rises up thru you and ACT on it.

From the flames of rebirth and passion to living it out loud.  Take no prisoners!!!  No more waiting for things to fall into place, your (our) job is to make it happen.  Creators creating!

I guess I am going to close on that note.  There really is so much more I wanted to share, but spirit is saying, thats enough for today.  And so it is!!

Big big (((((HUGZ))))) of wonder, bliss and pure excitement!!

Lisa Gawlas / link to original article

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