TheOne-DreamDreamer – Infinite Of You – 11 February 2013

andeWhen the whisper of God sings into your ears, listen. It’s your Self talking about Love, telling you the infinite story of Life.

When the hand of God caresses your heart, accept. It’s your Self showing you the Love you are.

When the breath of God enters your being, stay still. It’s your Self lighting up your Presence.

It is always you. It is always God. It is always One that holds your hands while walking the path of remembering. Do not give up, do not give your Self away for that is a path that has already been walked. Stay still and listen, feel, re-member with grace that all that seems so difficult is but what remains from the collective consciousness that you, as One, are part of. Turn to your I AM and Know a Service of Love is a Service for All. Refuse to play the game of duality even in front of doubts, fears, confusion. Let God BE your guide as God IS your I AM, your will and your Self.

Trust your Self in the darkest of days for it talks about Light and warm embraces. It talks about your infinite BEing. You can, for you are. Each thought of Love has the power of God and in front of God nothing can survive that is not Love. Every thought of fear is a thought of the illusion and keeps the mind in the prison made by the son of man instead of letting it BE free as the son of God. See fear for what it is… nothing in God’s eyes, nothing in front of your True Eyes. Dissolving as snow in the sun it can’t survive in the Presence of God. BE come God from the INside out, its whispers, its hands, its words tell the story of your Infinite Life.

You are the only One that can choose. God already choose. He IS you.

You are One with all that is. Now. All ways. TRUST your Self for it Knows All. TRUST God for It Knows You. As you are God. Even during the dark days of confusion where you are given the chance to get closer to the Truth and experience what surrending to the Peace of your Self feels like. TRUST that during the storm you cannot be harmed. TRUST that by allowing your Self to BE, you transform the storm into Heaven. Bless the storm for giving you the chance to Live your power. Bless your Self for being God. Bless God for the Love You are. And bless Life for its infinite expression.

All is One.

Thoughts model perception. Think wisely and bless your thoughts.

Love, you. / link to original article

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