Jon Rappoport – Insanity In The Poisoned Society – 20 November 2013

jon7This article refers to GMO labeling, but also to toxic pharmaceuticals, harmful vaccines, and other chemical assaults on human health and life.

There is a myth that the free market wins out against all odds. The consumer decides. He buys what he wants, and doesn’t buy what he thinks is unhealthy. Pretty to think so, but false.

There is another factor at work.

It’s called: crime.

It’s a crime to poison people.

If you’re the CEO of a corporation which sells poison under any name, in any package, a state or federal attorney should have your ass in court, and then in jail. For a long time.

Label the poison products as “different?” That’s a stop-gap measure which comes after the failure to prosecute. It’s a solution put together with scotch tape and paper clips, and anyone who fails to realize that is sound asleep.

Ballot initiatives to demand GMO labeling of food? Okay. But without also accusing corporations of selling poison (GMOs, Roundup)? Clueless. Ridiculous.

Unless…you really had a free market. If you destroyed any and all government enforcement-support and funding and phony praise of Pharma, big biotech, and other chemical companies, if you instituted a Wild West out there, a free-for-all, where anybody could sell anything and label it anything, then you might see some interesting results.

People dropping like flies, illness spreading like pools and lakes of cyanide, citizens gunning down sellers and purveyors and CEOs.

Then consumer choice would take on a whole new meaning.

But in this world, the one we live in, have you seen a single Big Pharma CEO put in prison for 50 years after killing thousands of people with a drug he sells relentlessly? A drug which he knows causes death?

Of course not. He pays a billion-dollar fine, after already making $30 billion on the drug, and he promises to straighten up and fly right.

If he’s a vaccine maker, he’s protected, by federal law, from civil suits filed by parents of children who died or were severely damaged by a shot.

If his factory releases toxic chemicals into the ground and water, causing cancers, he fights in court for years and ends up paying a settlement to families.

This is the sickening truth. And make no mistake, it is the government that protects and supports and bows down to these vicious criminals.

The government already runs its own labeling operation on pharmaceuticals. As skewed as it is, it’s supposed to give the consumer information he can use to make a choice.

But every year in the US, by the most conservative mainstream measure, those drugs kill 106,000 people. That’s over a million deaths per decade. (See Dr. Barbara Starfield, “Is US Health Really the Best in the World?”, July 26, 2000, Journal of the American Medical Association.)

Would you work in a campaign to force drug companies and government to provide more accurate labeling information, unless that campaign aggressively attacked the corporations and government for supporting and protecting poisoners?

And why would you even need to launch that attack in the first place?

Because the Justice Department is a criminal racket that protects sellers of poison.

They’re an active partner in a kill-and-maim operation.

Take off the sugar coating and look at the truth.

So when a worker for one of the GMO labeling ballot campaigns comes to me, whining and complaining and screaming, because I criticize the leaders of the movement, I know I’m talking to a person for whom the label, “political amateur,” would be a massive compliment. That person is entirely clueless.

Good intentions don’t add up to victories.

Here is what these willing and idealistic people are told by their leaders, if you scrape away the PR and get to the bottom line: “We want you to work for us so we can get a ballot measure passed. Now, we’re not going to attack the bad guys who poison people every day. We’re never going to do that. We just want to give the consumer a choice when he buys food. That’s all. We want to get along. We’re coexisting with corporate agriculture. Get used to it.”


Imagine you live in a community where killers are on the loose. You know a big company on the hill is sending these men down your way to commit their heinous crimes.

But the local government denies the existence of this operation. They say the evidence is inconclusive.

Now you get an idea. You’re going to certify all the non-killers in the neighborhood. They will wear badges labeled “safe.” Any person not wearing a badge in public should assiduously avoided.

Your community (non-government) leaders tell you, “We’re not going to criticize the company on the hill. We’re not going to build a crescendo of outrage that will push the company against the wall. We’re not going to march on the mayor’s office and demand he arrest the CEO. We’re just going to associate with the ‘safes.’ We’ll only have ‘safes’ as friends.”

What does that mean? It means you’re going to erect a bubble and live inside it and hope that the killers will stay away from what you call safe.

Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

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