Laura Bruno – John Beckett – The Pyramids Of Uxmal – 26 November 2014

laura-of-the-rocksI can’t reblog this article, so I’ll just post a link.

I always enjoy John Beckett’s contemplative musings, and this piece combines personal experience, ancient Mayan ruins, modern Mayan civilization, a ghost story of sorts, and important questions to ask ourselves as individuals and as a society. John’s a self described “Pagan, Druid and Unitarian Universalist,” but for some reason this piece particularly reminds me of the prayer of confession in the Episcopal Church, which seeks forgiveness “for things done and for things left undone.” As the days shorten into winter nights and the world around us continues to offer chaos, I find myself going deeper inside, too. This is an uncomfortable read, but one that asks us to consider what is ours to do.

In a world of imperfect options, at what point do we fight for our lives or for sacred things threatened with destruction? “[W]hat necessary acts are we neglecting because we find them unpleasant? What helpful changes have we not made because they carry risks, risks that are far less than those faced by the players on the Uxmal ball court?” Worth an introspective read. / link to original article

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