WakeUpWorld – Susan Harper Todd – It’s Time To Let Go… – 29 January 2013

let-go-300x225“We are shedding our skins

Emerging from the chrysalis

Drying our wings

And preparing to fly…”

A New Dawn is upon us… A New Way of Being… It is time …It is time to let go of all that is not real… It is time for us to stop being who we are not…It is time, now, for us just to be us! It is time to stop pretending to be something else and someone else to please other people or to fit in. It’s time to realise that there is no ‘one’ way to live our lives. To realise that there is no ‘right’ way to do anything…only our way. We do not have to meditate in a certain way, or even meditate at all…if it doesn’t feel right for us. We don’t have to ‘be’ spiritual in a certain way. We don’t have to ‘be spiritual’, because we already are. Just being us is the perfect thing to be – without trying!

We don’t have to be or do anything at all that we don’t want to do or if it doesn’t feel right for us. It’s time to understand that the right things for us are those things that feel right – those things that make us laugh, make us smile, bring us joy, make us feel wonderful! Those things we feel passionate about, that we really want to do. Those things that we LOVE. For this is truly who we really are – we are all of those things. And when we are doing and being these things we are honouring who we are. It’s time to let go of feeling guilty about enjoying ourselves and doing what we love because doing things we love is an expression of our real selves.

It’s time to stop listening to others and to start listening to us. It’s time to pay attention to what feels right for us in every area of our life. Because we are the only experts on us. No one else is. We are unique. One size does not fit all. There are no rules we should follow in order for us to be ‘us’, except ones we make for ourselves – because they feel right.

It’s time to start listening to our bodies, because only our own body can tell us what it needs to ‘feed’ it and to keep it healthy. We know whenever we eat or drink something whether it is good for us or not, by how it makes us feel. No one else can tell us this for they don’t know how our body feels. When someone tells us that a particular food or drink is good, or not, for us…that maybe true for them, but it certainly is not necessarily true for us. It’s time to let go of the thought that other people know what is best for us and to start asking ‘our selves’, our intuition, what is best for us. We do know…

Its time to start paying attention to how we feel about things instead of what we think about them. It’s time to stop listening to our mind and to stop taking notice of what the media tells us…because what the media is saying is not necessarily true for us. We can tell that by how it makes us feel. Does it make you feel fearful? If it does then it is not true for you! However if you keep focusing on it then it may well become true for you. Instead take your power back and focus instead on something better, more wonderful, something that feels good… Remember, the media’s job is to keep us in fear, because then we are more malleable , easier to control… They want us to keep listening to them, because the minute we stop doing that and start paying attention to ourselves instead, then we are in charge, not them…

Its time for us to stand up and be who we really are. It’s time to stop saying yes when we mean no. It’s time to put ourselves first and do those things that make us feel good, because when we do that, we feel so good that we want to do loving things for everyone around us. When we feel good the world feels good.

It’s time for us to step out of the old patterns that we have inherited from our ancestors. And we know what those are. They are patterns that have kept us small, unseen and unheard. They have made us feel unworthy and unimportant. They have made us feel that everyone matters but us and that it is our job to make everyone else feel that they matter… But that is not who we really are. And deep inside we know that. We really know that.

Stand Up… Stand Tall… Look in the mirror… It’s time…. You can do this… You are not alone… Because it’s our time…it’s already  happening.

Its time to throw away the rule books that tell us how we should live our lives. All we need to do is to just be ‘us’. If we can just pay attention to how we are feeling in every moment, then we will start to know and understand that if we’re not feeling good, then that is our intuition, the greater part of who we are, giving us a message that we’re not doing the right thing for us in that moment…or maybe we’re not behaving in the best way we can… If we can just pay attention to that and know that when we are feeling good we are being who we really are, the person we are born to be… then we’re doing what we’re here to do… To live our BEST life, to be the best we can be.

And by being us, by living in integrity as best we can, listening to our bodies and to how we feel, living intuitively as best we can, then we will walk towards everything we want in our lives.  It really is that simple.

It’s time to stop listening to other people and to listen to ourselves. We are the only ones that know what is best for ‘us’. No amount of books we read can tell us that. They can point us in the right direction, but we need to filter what they say through our own lens. The information in the books was true for the person who wrote it, but it doesn’t mean it’s true for you.

Its time to understand that the only things that are true for you are what feel true… You are the expert on you… Sure you’re not perfect and of course you will make mistakes finding out what IS true for you… but it’s only by trial and error, by making mistakes that you will find that out… If you stick to someone else’s rules then you will never find out who you really are… you’ll only know who you aren’t… and you won’t even know that, you’ll just ‘not feel right’ and you’ll still have that nagging feeling that there must be more to life than this.

It’s time to be brave…to climb out of the box… to do things differently…to throw away the rule books…to get to know YOU. You are perfect, amazing, wonderful, funny, brilliant… you may not know it…because it’s so long since you ever saw this version of you… But believe me you are all those things… I know it, because we all are… Remember how you were when you were a child? You knew you were all these things… It’s time to rediscover, to remember that version of you… no, to create an even better version of you… And now is the time to start….

”It’s time to be you like you’ve never been before

It’s time to be you like only you can be

To acknowledge your strength

Your knowingness, your intuition

It’s time to be YOU

And that time is NOW!”

If you’d like to learn more about tuning in to your intuition and living the life you were born to lead then sign up for my Newsletter. You can do that by clicking here. You’ll also get a free guided meditation “A Journey Within To Meet Your Inner Guide” plus a copy of my leaflet “10 things I wish I’d always known”.

I really appreciate your support and the fact that we’re all on the same page – in every sense of the word. Thank you!

Love Sue

Previous Articles by Sue Harper Todd

About the Author

I’ve been single, married, divorced and widowed. I’ve been a teacher, a translator, worked in business and now have my own company… I’ve sailed the Atlantic Ocean and I have climbed Mount Everest. I know! It sounds crazy but it’s true. I said I’d done it and I have, pretty much literally DONE it! I’ve plumbed the depths and scaled the heights in every sense of those words.

And I absolutely know that it was listening to, trusting and following my intuition that got me to where I am today. It got me out of the dark tunnel I was in after my husband died, and not only led me to the summit of Mount Everest, but to many other magical experiences too, like sailing the Atlantic Ocean in a small boat. I was the first British woman to have accomplished both of those things, and only the fifth British woman to stand on the summit of the highest mountain on the planet.

Feel free to join me on Facebook or visit my website Women Have Vision /  www.wakeup-world.com /  link to original article

One response to “WakeUpWorld – Susan Harper Todd – It’s Time To Let Go… – 29 January 2013

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