AmericanKabuki – Brian Kelly – Update On Patrick Cody Morgan – 9 April 2013

Update On Patrick Cody Morgan 

April 8th, 2013

Hang in there Cody! Big changes rustling in the winds. When the house of cards finally falls, you will have your Freedom once again. Until then, keep shining your light my friend.

~ Brian

Email received from Stacy on April 3rd:

Hey Brian,

Things have settled down a little bit where Cody is, but they constantly are trying to break up their bible study classes.  Cody said that they DO NOT want ANY hope to be spread around or to exist at all.  They have tried to limit the size of their bible classes.  Apparantly, more and more people are getting the “positive” vibes of Cody and Anthony and want to be a part of that and the PTW don’t want that to happen.

I so try to keep Cody in reading material because as he says, “He’s so tired of staring at those walls”.  He is a quick reader and he does have 24 hours a day to read, etc…  I am constantly sending him books and magazines.  I HAVE to send from a reputable source such as Amazon, etc…or any website online.  He donates EVERY book to the facility he is in for others to enjoy.  Paperback books are the best as they will tear the hard-backed covers off.

One thing I would love to ask from your readers is that IF ANYONE is interested in writing to Cody to let him know that they are thinking of him or supporting him in his efforts to “hang in there” despite the efforts of the PTW to keep him incarcerated that they can send him letters or cards.  He LOVES to receive mail and would appreciate and would write back anyone that sent him mail.

His mailing address is:  FBOP (Federal Bureau of Prisons)

Patrick Cody Morgan – 09012379

P O Box 526245

Houston, Tx. 77052

He is into non-fiction, positive thinking books and material.  He hasn’t seen a tree or bush or flower in almost a year, so I try to send books about travel and great road trips that have great pictures.  He would love National Geographic, GQ, Forbes, business magazines, world news (although I try to keep him hooked up with only news from the Internet), Esquire, magazines with good articles to keep him current.

Anyone can print him off good articles from the Internet and send to him.  I ALWAYS send him articles from you, Heather and “D”.  He LOVES to read what you guys have on your sites and passes them around to all!!!

Thank you Brian, Heather and “D” for keeping Cody in the hearts and minds of your readers – He sooooo appreciates you and everything you’re doing and can’t wait to get out and work closer with all of you to spread the GREAT works of what OPPT and YOU are doing!!!!!



Loving sister of Patrick Cody Morgan / link to original article

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