Lucas – Sandy Hook – 9 January 2013

SandyHookI have said not to report anymore or less on things that get attention all over again and again.  But it is an awakening process we see, as  things not seem to be what they are and the evidence is laid out there before us and it is found. Due to the higher vibrational level we and earth are in now things are becoming clear to those that just woke up.   We have a deep compassion for all those victims and families but still we have to move on.

The shootings in Sandy Hook have been planned and have been known before hand. Dutchsinse reported on it but as usual if things get too much attention as the truth is  exposed the evidence is cleaned up quick.  It is seen in removing the video from Dutchsinse from YouTube. It is seen in Vimeo videos that are now not available or denied access to.  Tweets disappear. We already saw that actors have been involved again. Also the link to the Dark Night Rises film and shootings in Colorado are again connected.  The property master of the film but living in Newton was also killed april 2012. Sandy Hook is staged in the film at exactly 58 minutes. So the language of mind control, manipulation and talking in symbols and numbers is still going on.  I still will not go there again. As for me it is clear that the system is evil, politically as financially. I need no evidence anymore to know it as I see the bigger picture.   Things are every time when something happens with those  shootings clearly manufactured or staged, with or without actors, mind controlled killers, etc.

Just know to focus on other things then all that is going on at the outside of you.  It is a fact all is done on purpose but know not to get drawn away of where the real changes are needed to be made, within!.  How awful or evil things are, you know now. You have been mind controlled, manipulated in anyway from media to food, to drugs, money, to politics, etc.  You have freed yourselves from that matrix by waking up to these facts. You know now and can move on to much important things. Get working within on the real changes. Do not focus on that what is just getting you out of your attention inwards and brings you on a lower vibrational level everytime you go there. The mainstream media, news, radio/tv, papers : just forget about them. Letting go of  all that will free up your mind and give you already a lot more peace within.

Seek info,  if you still need to, via the alternative media on internet, social media, blogs and websites and still use your own discernment in all you read, see and hear.  What is going on will keep going on as long as we give it our attention. The false fraud systems and the controls over human kind are falling apart as you already have seen. Still things peak to make you draw attention away. But the more we up our vibrational levels  and get activated  and connected to source, our heart and the unity field, we  expand our lights and that is far more important. We need to  get working to manifest the new paradigm without going back and doing the old over again in 3D or 4D. The faster you do this the faster you will see   heaven upon earth as it is already here and in the manifesting stages. We still have doubts and need confirmation but knowing with your heart is that what you will if you get within and open up and activate your heart. The connection from your heart filled with unconditional love will find you your way towards finding god in you and in all that is as it is you. You will know what Oneness means and how to be you amongst all in a 5 D way.   You will become love in action. Let us manifest together the new paradigm.

Love and Light,


Some links to articles if you still need to read or confirm things yourself/ links to article or videos can be disabled or destroyed:

1/8/2013 — Sandy Hook Tribute to the Victims Twitter / Tweet From 1 month before shooting

(c) 2012 – Copyright of Lucas, all writings of Lucas maybe published, re-blogged and posted only in full without altering anything with  the blog mentioned in the article with name of the author Lucas.



One response to “Lucas – Sandy Hook – 9 January 2013

  1. Loved this~ thanks Lucas !