Ariah Velasquez – Divine Strength Comes in Many Forms – 30 July 2014


Goodmorning to all the readers. I am back…and will be now weekly!  I sit this morning pondering the vastness of the divine.  With the permission of my client, I wish to share a story with you today.  This client has a son with severe behavioral problems.  When I would coach her with disciplinary tactics, she would share that she was afraid of “breaking his spirit” or being unkind.  She feared that if she set boundaries with him, it would be unkind.  Now by no means would I recommend any type of corporal punishment to her, but when it came to not letting him play that day if he continued disrespect to her, and act out, that was another story.  Boundaries were an important part to getting peace in her life, and his life.  He needed the boundaries or he actually on an unconscious level would feel unsafe, and lack respect for her.  Many of my adult clients who have parents that did not show strength in their energy while they were growing up, look down on their parents now because it is part of our nature when developing to want to be shown the way and feel protected and safe, as well as be given clear messages on how to be.  The children look to us on how to be in the world and to show true strength in character.  The question is: what is strength?

In my opinion, strength is taking action for the highest good, and not from a space of wanting to necessarily control for the sake of being right, or getting your way.  Strength is speaking truth.  Strength is freeing ourselves from victim mentality (this may be the most important of all). Strength is vulnerability with others by allowing them to help or love you. Strength is taking action that is clear and direct without intent to harm, or wishing others to not have happiness.  Strength is not putting our agenda on others because we think it is right.  Strength is letting go sometimes.  Strength is holding up the light even if the reflection must be intense.  Strength is having the courage to look honestly at self, and stop blaming.  Strength is seeing through actions, and holding up your light if those actions do not match your frequency.  This may mean you take action to deflect and transmute negative energies.  The key hear is to do so wishing no harm and to transmute that person’s darkness to help.  If they are coming to you with their darkness, be sure, you are there to help them simply by witnessing, then dissolving with  pure light.  You are there because they need exactly what you have.  You don’t do this is in a holier than thou way, or entitled, or even with a putdown.  You do this with complete neutrality about what they do.  You do this by letting divine energies in: your higher self, Buddha, The Christ, Archangels and the other light beings you may feel aligned with.

Going back to the case of this mom and son, it did not work when she said to her son all the time, “Sweety, I need you to not do that”.  Often, he would do the behavior anyway.  However, when she shifted the message to, “No, this is not acceptable in our home.  It is unkind.” with a firm tone, lo and behold, the behavior stopped.   This is because the true message came through, and it was that she actually needed to teach him what kindness was, not by saying “Be a nice boy”, but by actually showing him the difference between a kind action, and an unkind action by affirming which was which.  Hence, she stood in her power through clarity.

This example is the microcosm, of the macrocosm.  We as pieces of the divine, as children of the Earth, as extensions of the higher self, aspects of the Supreme Being of Earth, and emanations of Source, will sometimes experience the wearing the down of the egoic mind through challenge, or through intense situations.   We must always know that every experience is a gift from divine helping us either release the ego or wear down the defense mechanisms we may have that block love and light in.  The Divine may show up as “your enemy”, and the divine may show up as losing a job.  If you are overly attached to control or to being in power in the egoic sense, then the Divine Self, will wake you up with love, or at times a swift kick in the butt. We can resist all we want, but since we ourselves are divine in human form, we only do it to ourselves.  We do it to ourselves to evolve, and we do it to ourselves to experience.  We also carry a vibration that will emanate out and re-appear sometimes immediately, or sometimes years later.  Know if the vibration we hold is one of manipulation, or other maladaptive behaviors, this vibration simply rests in your frequency and summons similar vibratory experiences.  It is not a punishment.  This is where organized religion has turned people off.  There is not punishment.  Humans are the ones who punish each other (and other species too). There is creation.  There is frequency.

It is time to let the divine move through you, and this movement, may not always be sweet or apple pie.  It may be fierce.  It may need to be powerfully intense to wake you up.  It may lead you to situations you don’t understand.  Do not blame, for it is all a hologram.  It is all you, and the vaster divine co-creating in perfection to continue to wake you up and evolve.  Welcome it, and witness it with open eyes.  See the truth of what you are being shown.  If you do not understand a trial you are in, ask daily in mediation to know and understand the true reason for your situation.  Always look inward, and look deep into the heart for the answer.  Trace the heart back to source.

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