Daily Archives: November 9, 2012

NBC: David Petraeus Resigns From CIA – 9 November 2012

Quit: David Petraeus has resigned from the CIANBC reported Friday that CIA director David Petraeus has resigned from the CIA, citing an extramarital affair.

NBC’s Andrea Mitchell said the resignation was submitted in a letter dated Friday and was accepted by the White House.

To read the rest of this story, visit USAToday.com.

(Lucas : Who thought change is not already happening you may have missed a lot!)

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan – Archangel Michael – Do Not Falter In The Storms Of Life – 9 November 2012

I am the Presence, the Light, and the essence of Archangel Michael.


You walk into a time plate of energies that insist the world shall be one way and contrary polar energies that insist the world shall be the other way. You all stand at the crossroads of what is decreed and declared politically personally and universally. You look out upon the unified fields of consciousness standing wobbly kneed looking over the Great Plains of things to come. Continue reading

Infinite Waters – All Around The World – Open Up Your Heart…Forever United! – 9 November 2012

Uploaded on 9 November 2012 by Letting Go Off Society’s Expectations!

The Golden Rule – RBS, UBS Traders Said To Face Arrest In Libor Probe – 9 November 2012

The Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc (RBS) headquarters in London.

Source: Bloomberg

U.K. prosecutors are poised to arrest former traders and rate setters atUBS AG (UBSN)Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc (RBS) andBarclays (BARC) Plc within a month for questioning over their role in the Libor scandal, a person with knowledge of the probe said. Continue reading

Bill Ballard – 11-11-12 Dreaming New Earth & 11-22-12 11th & Final 11-11 Gate Activation – 9 November 2012

Uploaded on 9 November 2012 by Continue reading

Bella Capozzi – The Earth Angels; Sharing More About 11-11, And What It Means To Us – 9 November 2012

We bid you good day, and yet another fine day it is; one filled with optimism and promise.  Whilst we work among you, we cannot help but key into the rising anticipation circulating around the upcoming date of November the 11th.  Normally we would say that all time is no time in itself.  True.  Yet we concede that this day is different, so we shall agree that you may go on and treat it as such.  It is wise to be aware.  So open up and allow yourself to receive. Continue reading

The Announcement – 9 November 2012

Uploaded on 9 November 2012 by GalacticCentral Greetings, Many Blessings, Miracles, Inner Peace and Balance, Wholeness of Being=Balanced Harmonics, Joy, Laughter, Equality, Abundance, and Magical Synchronostic Events In The Eternal Flow of the Present Moment of NOW. LOVE HAS BROUGHT GIFTS TO US TO SHARE WITH ALL OF HUMANITY ~ To read the Full Message:http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/announcment-which-still-spi…

Openhand – The Spiritual Path – 9 November 2012

Uploaded on 6 November 2012 by What does it really mean to be walking the spiritual path? What are the pitfalls to watch for? Where is guidance leading us? A short colourful movie from the “Shores of Avalon”…

Visionkeeper – Twisted Times – 9 November 2012

(picture by http://www.favim.com)

I know if you are awake you have taken notice of how twisted the thinking has become in this world.  Most of the time this thinking by others leaves you shocked, jaw dropping to the floor and scratching your head saying “What?” It truly is insanity out there right now on all levels, it is why I keep urging all to stay centered in their hearts to stay grounded. Continue reading

John Ward – Opinion : We Should Be Applauding Schofield, Not Gagging Him – 9 November 2012

The very Establishment leaders busy castigating the BBC over the Jimmy Savile affair are now protecting paedophiles at large from the House of Commons to Sky News. Bullying the tv media is crass hypocrisy, and the media reaction thus far is a disgrace.

I think it might be time once again to inject some reality into the pursuit of paedophiles. People are getting confused, and I can understand why: after forty years of looking the other way while aimlessly walking about going lalalalalalaa, they are now only allowed to look or walk in one direction and go overhereoverthereeverythwhere. This is because the infernal simplification of the media is once more involved. Continue reading