EneNews – Reuters: “International Alarm” — Fukushima Radiation Leaks Spike To Record Levels — “Too Little, Too Late” For Japan Gov’t – 4 September 2013

enelogoTitle: Record radiation readings near Fukushima contaminated water tanks
Source: Reuters
Authors: Aaron Sheldrick and Mari Saito (Editing by Paul Tait and Ian Geoghegan)
Date: Sept. 4, 2013

Record radiation readings near Fukushima contaminated water tanks

Radiation readings around tanks holding contaminated water at the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant have spiked […]

The rising radiation levels and leaks at the plant have prompted international alarm […]

Readings just above the ground near a set of tanks at the plant showed radiation as high as 2,200 millisieverts (mSv), the Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) said on Wednesday […]

“The government has finally said they will be involved in this problem but they are still not going to be fully involved in the decommission,” [Hiroaki Koide, Assistant Professor at Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute] said. “It is too little, too late.” […]

More – The Guardian:

Fukushima radiation leaks reach deadly new high

See also: Contamination levels skyrocket at Fukushima plant, up nearly 2,000% — NHK: Quadrillions of becquerels already released; “Gov’t needs to take charge entirely” (VIDEO)ushima)

www.enenews.com / link to original article

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