Dana Mrkich – MZB And The Mother Goddess – 1 July 2014

Dana Colour Pic NewOnto the Mists of Avalon, and author Marion Zimmer Bradley. This topic comes with a massive trigger warning re child sexual abuse if you go on to read the many articles and blogs currently online about it, but I won’t go into specific details here. There is plenty online including this piece by Jim Hines and article in The Guardian.

What I will say here is, it was nauseating and heart-breaking to learn recently of the abuse this woman not only condoned that was perpetrated by her husband, but that she too was an abuser.

Revelations around child sexual abuse are occurring in many areas right now. It has been distressing and sickening, yet on one level not surprising, to read that it has been, and in many cases still is, widespread within the Church, schools, and entertainment industry to name a few areas. Why people are in shock with the MZB revelations is: this woman’s work was strongly associated with the Divine Feminine. She introduced the magic and mystery of that which is Avalon to millions in the mainstream from the perspective of the powerful women from that time. Thus, she was personally associated with a version of the Feminine many women aspired to.

Upon reading excerpts from her testimony (trigger warning if you read it related to child sexual abuse) from 15 years ago where she is defending her husband, I was sent reeling as to the unhealthy abusive mentality she held regarding the sexuality of children. It was horrible to discover that this testimony has been available to read online for many years, yet it is only now that the majority of people are hearing about it, myself included.

What is clear, from this case and other cases circulating in the media and online, is that while the abuser is the main perpetrator, he or she is allowed to continue thanks to the protective circle of people around them that know but say nothing and even worse threaten others who want to speak up. The protection of power, profits, image and self-interests have come before the protection of children for too long.

With these revelations, and the too many like them, comes an opportunity for good-hearted men and women to commit to placing the protection of children first. Not only in the area of abuse, but across the board regarding the kind of planet we are allowing and creating for them.

With these MZB revelations, and for many the loss of our former connection to a work that was so close to many of our hearts, comes an opportunity to tune into our own heart’s knowing of what Avalon was, what it truly is to honour the Mother Goddess and re-commit to healthy, empowering ways in which we can express her through ourselves.

Specifically, this is a perfect time to ask ourselves: How are we expressing the strong, nurturing Protector energy of the Mother energy that we all hold within?

  • If you know of child abuse that is occurring or are a child needing help go to Child Helpline International and search your Country to find your local helpline.
  • To help these hotlines do their work, most have a Donation button on their website. You can go to Child Helpline International, choose a country you would like to support and then click on a hotline to access their site.

© Dana Mrkich 2014 – www.danamrkich.blogspot.com / link to original article

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