Ariah Velasquez- MY ASCENSION STORY – 27 October 2014


The first shift truly occurred while working with the Pleiadians adjusting my sacred geometry. Sacred geometry is the universal patterns that make up the Universe including the physical body. In a meditation from a book I read, it had the Pleiadians guiding readers into adjusting this to be tuned to higher dimensional vibrations and frequencies. I made the request and in a matter of seconds a huge surge of energy so strong I could barely breathe rushed through my body. I felt fear surface as it felt like my physical body could not possibly contain the divine force that was moving through me. Telepathically, I asked for them to slow down, and they immediately did. I must say, now that I know what it lead to, I kind of wished I had found out what would have happened if I fully surrendered…immediate enlightenment? That would be wonderful!  But, what I did get was my being beginning to vibrate at a higher frequency, and the beginning of a many year path into ascension. I cannot say that I just ascended one day. I feel that evolution is a never ending process; but I did change.

Not only did I have a cold that day, that was now completely gone…but I had new sight…clairvoyant sight. I was not looking for it, or striving to have it. I simply walked outside and suddenly could see black splotches in people’s “energy fields”. I didn’t even really know much about energy fields, but I just knew intuitively these black spots were where people were blocked. I felt very uncomfortable seeing this, and asked the Pleiadians to take it away. They did, until I was ready years later to use this skill as a healer.

Well, life was not the same anymore. I felt like my body had an internal buzzing, and shaky feeling all the time. I felt the desire to meditate morning, noon, and night. And all I cared about was connecting to the spirit realm. People perceived me at this time as very ungrounded, and in my spirit body at all times. I had one foot in this reality, and one foot in another. I had out of body experiences, and began to move to the astral planes before bed. It would start with a shaking feeling and then suddenly I would see myself go through a black and white tunnel…next thing you know I would be out of body in my bedroom. And no, I was not on any psychadelics! These things were happening to me on there own. I was only 20 years old, and this was very intense for me.

I began having interactions with many beings. I began seeing beings that resided in the 4th and 5th dimension. I saw beings appear that I had never heard of or even knew they were part of the healing world symbols. I would wake in the morning seeing a huge white owl in spirit form sitting on my bed. I also began to connect clairaudiently to beings. I was receiving messages that I was going to be ok. I would hear music…angelic singing. It was amazing, but also overwhelming. I reached out to a shaman, and a Pleiadian healer to begin helping me understand.

The shamans name was Jean Pierre. He was an urban shaman who had lived in a cave for years, and now was in my hometown in NYC. He told me my psychic abilities were developing. For example, my nose began to frequently flutter. This was when an entity that needed to be cleared was nearby. Pressure on my crown often occurred, which was when I was receiving a new “download” of info.

After I began my training in the Dolphin Star Temple Mystery School, I continued to have more ascension symptoms. After a month with my teacher, Amorah Quan Yin, I went home to Williamsburg, Brooklyn, and placed myself in a healing chamber called a Whole Brain Activation. This helps areas in the brain that we have shut down to be reawakened and it highly enhances Full Sensory ability. Well, my eyes had blurred vision as my inner sight integrated even more for about 2 weeks and then it went away. I knew that it was simply an adjustment to the way I saw the world, in a more non-judging way, and the ability to see the deeper experience each person was having each time I met someone.

Soon, the look of my eyes and crown changed. When being measured, my doctor noticed the top of my head had grown in the back, and I was 1/2  inch taller. The crown will adjust to accommodate the full brain activation. My physical eyes began to have a look where one eye was set back on the face, while the other was more forward. I noticed the same look on other clairvoyants.

Often, when I or someone else would be speaking truth, the blue pearl would appear in the room…blue, the color of the throat chakra represents truth. Immediately a blue light would appear when truth was spoken. And of course, the light visuals began on day one in meditation and in terms of seeing people’s auric colors. I will see a lot of violet in people that practice multidimensional spirituality on a consistent basis.

As the ascension process deepened, my chakras began tuned to bliss. Everyday one chakra was done with its ascension process, I would experience what you could call an orgasmic sensation in that part of the body and a sensation of liquid nectar flooding that area…so yes, even in places that are totally non-sexual, like the throat. That is because the energy is Universal energies, which are naturally orgasmic and not related to physical body stimulation. It is the web of life, this energy, which is why it forms life.

Many of these experiences integrated as my normal daily life. When that occurred, the oneness process began. A series of processes began the experience of merging with all things and people. Day to day life began to feel like each person was an extension of myself. This resulted in a high level of empathic response, and knowingness of feelings that moved through each person in my life close or not close, and whether in person or not in person. This has probably been actually the most challenging of all the ascension symptoms. It has sometimes felt like knowing too much. To feel the pain of others, the anger of others….with the mind still judging right and wrong, it is cumbersome. The mind is always there, even when the ego has detached from it. The minds role never changes. It is there to judge, to live in duality. It is part of what we came here to experience, or we would not have incarnated on Earth. However, when feeling love, the oneness has allowed a sense of pure merge and kinship with many. It has allowed the ability to feel great love, and to feel limitless, boundless with the ability to share love and feel in love with many people without it being personal or romantic. The love has no limits at all.

The next part of my process was the experience of the true nature of reality and what I AM. I AM PURE CONSCIOUSNESS CREATING. I was blessed to be given this transmission from a Taoist teacher, Ching Fung. He never told me he was going to give me this experience, and one day, when I was feeling great love for my teacher, it happened. All fell away, and my true nature emerged: simple and childlike. No agenda, no judgment, pure sweetness, pure witness. I have never forgotten that this is the truth, even when the illusion and hologram becomes intense on the outside.

The final step I took into my ascension up until today was what I will write below. But please know, the process, truly is unending. We expand more and more in this mysterious, limitless Universe. We are the great mystery unfolding. So, my most recent initiation was into that of divine grace and holding the healing presence. This is different then doing a healing. This is walking as the healing itself. Being able to emit grace in my own life and others has been a process of learning how to merge with Source and the Mystic Christ energies. I experienced the grace from other mystics before I was finally initiated to hold it within myself. I would experience it as being in the presence of a person that would just melt my heart into tears within seconds. They would emanate out something that shattered every wall I had up by just looking at me. It happened in a few Ashrams where some of the encounters were so brief, I don’t even remember the teacher. And it happened with mystic Bill Bauman where he loved me so deeply and all his students that our hearts and minds would merge allowing us to understand without being taught what it meant to bring in divine grace in our own bodies, and then pour it out as the cup was full. He gave us the understanding of surrendering completely to divine light, to divine love. And I became one with the Mystic Christ within and without. I feel no separation from this energy, it is me, and I am it.

As far as I know, I still have much life to live here on Earth, and as we all ascend together in our own way, we create a reality where we are truly actualized beings living as we were meant to, fulfilling our destiny.

Thanks for Lucas2012infos for posting!

Ariah is a counselor, Pleiadian healer, and New-thought minister.,

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