Suzanne Lie – The Portal Of Possible Realities – Mytre Continues – 20 August 2012

You are now coming into a peak phase of your ascension process in which you will realize that all that you have become is merely an introduction to the expression of the SELF that you will soon display. All of your lives you have been building towards this moment of being a world leader.
Being a world leader does not mean that you need to be a governmental leader, for government will be very different in your new world. Instead, being a world leader means that you are among the Ones who are the leaders through the portals into the many worlds of New Earth. Hence, you will be a leader into a New World.
The portal to New Earth is not perceived by your physical senses for it is not a physical portal. It is a fifth dimensional portal and can only be perceived by your multidimensional consciousness. In Fact, this portal is within the NOW of the ONE. Therefore, it is within your High Heart.
In your third dimensional reality you are accustomed to recognizing reality on the outside of your body. However, in the fifth dimensional reality you will perceive reality from inside your SELF. As your consciousness continues to expand, you will remember how to perceive all reality from the inner perspective of your High Heart.
Many of you are beginning to FEEL the frequency of any given reality so that you may choose whether or not you wish to interact with that possible or probable reality. A possible reality is one that you may or may not choose to experience, whereas a probable reality is one you are already experiencing in some frequency of your multidimensional SELF.
If you can decide it is within your destiny to interact with any given world, you can open the Portal of your High Heart by going within your SELF to visit that reality.
On the other hand, you may choose not to interact with that reality. Hence, you will keep your portal closed. Still, you may choose to project unconditional love into that reality.
Finally, you many not be drawn to that reality. In that case, you can simply ignore that reality and move flow your consciousness beyond it.
You are already choosing which third dimensional experiences/realities you wish to experience. There are many daily experiences in which you choose to either engage or ignore. However, as you continue to flow into the higher frequencies of Multidimensional Earth, you are entering the energy field in which Earth is transmuting into Her higher frequencies of expression.
Since Gaia is entering the multidimensional world of the fifth dimension, She is “trying on” myriad different versions of Her Planetary SELF. Whereas physical Earth could have only one concrete, static and time-bound version, multidimensional New Earth is expressed in myriad frequency and sub-frequencies expressions of reality.
Because of the many possible realities of New Earth, more humans can ascend out of the third/fourth dimensional Earth and into the ever-escalating possibilities of fifth dimensional Earth. Just as you may visit many houses before you move into a new home, Gaia is visiting many expressions of Her New Earth. However, the Gaia’s homes are on different frequencies instead of in different places.
Simultaneously, New Earth has always existed within the NOW of the ONE. The concept of different types of reality existing at the same time may seem impossible to your third dimensional thinking. However, that which is impossible to understand with linear, third dimensional thinking is quite normal within the NOW of your multidimensional thinking.
To assist you in converting your sequential, third dimensional thinking into your imagistic, multidimensional thinking, imagine that you are floating up from the bottom of the ocean. You are next to an underwater cliff on which there are many landings. You are looking for the landing that feels the most comfortable because it matches your frequency of expression.
To your third dimensional self, you may have thought of these landings as occurring in different times and places. However, since there is only HERE and NOW in the fifth dimension, these landings are on different frequencies. Just as some landings may be too high for your physical self to visit, some landings may still be too high for your ascending SELF to visit.
However, there are still many possible realities that are within your perception. Thus, you may wish to visit a certain possible or probable realities, or you may choose to move right in to the reality of your choice and get about the business of creating a new life.
The difference between a possible and probable reality is that a possible reality is one that you may or may not choose to experience. On the other hand, a probable reality is one you are already experiencing in some frequency of your multidimensional SELF. The higher your consciousness, the more choices you will have, as you will be able to perceive more multidimensional realities. In fact, the higher your consciousness, the more realities you can simultaneously visit and/or inhabit.
You have waited your entire life for this moment and are NOW ready to live what you have been experiencing in your inner world. You will do this because your inner world will be your real world. By real, I mean that your inner world, which has been a private place in which you could interact with the higher frequencies of life, will soon be your primary reality.
Up until now you have experienced reality as something that was around your physical form. Now, you will experience reality as something that is within your physical form. Allow me to elaborate. What you considered to be real has been based on your third dimensional perceptions of your external world. Therefore, you experienced reality through the filter of your five physical senses.
Now, that your Multidimensional Operating System is coming online and integrating with your Third Dimensional Operating System, your perceptions are slowly, and/or quickly, beginning to alter. Your vision is being expanded into clairvoyance. Your hearing is being expanded into clairvoyance, your “feelings” into clairsentience, your communication into telepathy and your emotional communications into empathy.
Also, because you are moving beyond time, you are becoming more clairvoyant and learning to differentiate between a possible and a probable reality. To practice using some of your multidimensional perceptions, close your physical eyes to perceive your current environment through your opened Third Eye.
Before you begin this exercise, allow your consciousness to expand into the Core of Gaia. Then, pull Gaia’s energy into the Core of your earth vessel and up into the higher frequencies of reality. NOW:
Take the roof off of your perceptual world…
Imagine that you are taking the your “hat” off your head…
Now you can allow your pineal gland to fully open…
Feel the higher frequencies of light as they enter your Pineal gland…
Project the light images onto the inner, mind screen of your Third Eye…
At first this screen may be blank.
Hence, imagine you are looking through a telescope of an old submarine…
The telescope leads up beyond the submarine (your earth vessel)…
Through the water that surrounds it (your current reality)…
And up into the of air above the water (your higher expression of SELF)…
Calibrate your attention to the image seen by your Third Eye…
Pan your Third Eye Portal around in a circle to see that entire higher reality…
You are first met with the image of a higher expression of your SELF…
You may be met by several expressions of your Multidimensional SELF…
See your SELVES gathered around your telescope/Third Eye…
FEEL the unconditional love of this energetic greeting…
Open your High Heart to accept the Flow of unconditional love…
Allow the unconditional love to bond you to this higher reality of your SELF…
FEEL your High Heart bonded to your SELF…
Surrender to the unconditional love as it Flows into your High Heart…
Allow this unconditional love to guide you through your physical life…
As you become accustomed to the feeling of being led by unconditional love, you can begin to recognize that you are Flowing past myriad possible realties. You will observe these realities through the expanded perceptions that are the most developed or innately powerful. Therefore, some of you will see these realities through your clairvoyance, others will hear them through their clairaudience and others will feel them through their clairsentience.
When you perceive a possible reality with your clairsentience, you will feel it on your skin, within your aura and via your Essence. Initially, all three of these perceptions may feel as though you are sensing the frequency of a reality via your physical skin. When this occurs, expand your consciousness out to feel this sensation through your aura. Then pull your consciousness inwards to perceive this reality with your Essence within your Core.
Perceiving reality through your Core Essence is quite challenging because you have been trained to believe that reality it outside of your physical body. In the same manner, your Clairvoyance is based on seeing from within and your Clairaudience is based on hearing from within.
When you see from within, it often appears that you are thinking that you see it, but is only a vague overlay of the physical world. Hearing from within is often first experienced as a sudden thought that appear to be out of context. Every time that you trust your inner sensing, seeing and hearing your expanded perceptions get stronger.
Furthermore, if you move these inner perceptions into your physical world, you will OWN your immense creative ability. For example, when you write, draw, sing, dance or follow you inner perceptions, you are allowing your inner life to set the course for your physical reality. In this manner, you will move deeper and deeper into the art of mastery of your multidimensional perceptions.
Just if you can see, hear and feel your third dimensional reality, eventually, you will eventually be able to identify possible and probable fifth dimensional realities realities via your expanded perceptions.
If you choose to interact with any reality, open the Portal of your High Heart into that reality and bond with it via your unconditional love. Once you are bonded with that reality, you will commune with the members of that world through your telepathy and empathy.
Because of this interaction, this possible reality becomes a probable reality because you are experiencing through a given frequency of your Multidimensional SELF.
In summary, you are going into the Core of your third dimensional expression of SELF to look out to perceive reality from inside your self. You can see many multidimensional worlds by looking through the lens of your inner Third Eye.
Your Third Eye is similar to the telescope in your submarine in that it can look out of your body from the inside, then up through your current reality and directly into the higher expressions of your SELF. As you look into that higher expression of your SELF, you will feel the immense unconditional love from the higher dimensions.
If you choose to interact with that reality, you will open the Portal of your High Heart to that reality, and use your unconditional love to bond with that world. Hence, you have entered a possible reality, making it a probable reality that an expression of your Multidimensional SELF has chosen to join.
You have many exciting adventures to experience as you move into your Multidimensional SELF. Remember, time and space are third/fourth dimensional illusions. Therefore, you will not “run out of time, or get “lost,” as YOU are always HERE in the NOW.
I shall return with my dear friends the Arcturians,
Ashtar Command

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