Fed Governor Admits Truth About QE: “Can’t Go From Wild Turkey To Cold Turkey Overnight” – 13 May 2014

ZeroHedgeSubmitted by Jim Quinn via The Burning Platform blog,

“I was not for this program, popularly known as QE3, to begin with. I doubted its efficacy and was convinced that the financial system already had sufficient liquidity to finance recovery without providing tinder for future inflation. But I lost that argument in the fall of 2012, and I am just happy that we will be rid of the program soon enough. “I am often asked why I do not support a more rapid deceleration of our purchases, given my agnosticism about their effectiveness and my concern that they might well be leading to froth in certain segments of the financial markets. The answer is an admission of reality: We juiced the trading and risk markets so extensively that they became somewhat addicted to our accommodation of their needs… you can’t go from Wild Turkey to cold turkey overnight.

Read the full story at: www.zerohedge.com / link to original article

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