Jim Euclid – Il Vecchio Sentiero È Vicino – 7 May 2012

Here we are, at the start of something new. A supermoon has passed and with it, the rebirth of energies that continue to rise unabated. So many events will not transpire this year, such uneventfulness is like a surgical procedure where things go according to plan and therefore no dramas are noted. This is how this year is intended to go, not as a drama-filled score for the Illuminati, who wished to score every dramatic step of the players with music that gets the heart racing and the mind fearful of what was next to come; more fear, more insecurity, more clinging to the waistcoats of the old ways. Shakespearean plays like Macbeth and King Lear suit the Illuminati agenda – they are mostly full of fear and loathing, of wicked men and cursed avengers. But such Elizabethan acts are outdated. A new stage is born. Il vecchio sentiero è vicino (the old path is near) was a much lauded mantra by those of the Illuminati during the last twentieth century. But the old path, or more accurately, the old timeline, has evaporated under the drying heat of an influx of spiritual energies.
Does this mean theatre as we know it is dead? Quite the contrary. Theatre was always meant as a barometer of social mores and as a method of spreading new ideas. It was, however, co-opted in the seventeenth century as a method to spread political messages by the ruling hierarchy, and indoctrinate the masses with religious or political ideology. From theatre came the moving pictures, and although theatre is relatively obscure to the majority of people compared to cinema in present day entertainment, it is no less influential. Politically-motivated movies have replaced theatrical productions. But the themes are no less emotive. Once the playground of Hollywood aristocracy, cinema has now become a low-brow affair, appealing to the lowest-common denominator. Dumbing down of the audience with gratuitous violence and sex motivates emotions and steering the spirit away from its higher calling; listening to the clarion-call of the Source.

What is the Source? The source is the ineffable energies of the divine creator, which arrives upon us as that which is free of emotions. Any time we are swayed with anger, jealousy, desire, lust, frustration, the source is diminished. It becomes obscured by the emotions that are generated by our misconceptions of reality. Whenever we are peaceful, untrammelled by what is happening in the moment, we are close to the source. It is immediate. It is also eternal. It does not need the intervention of a teacher or guru, although we often need these things to teach us how to find the source. But it is something everyone must find for themselves. And for every individual, the Source manifests differently. That is why it is ineffable, because it has no form except that which we perceive it to have. It cannot be defined. It cannot be portrayed on stage, the page or on the screen. A movie may portray it, but it is like the finger pointing to the moon, not the moon itself. Whenever someone says they have touched the Source, or can show you how to find it, that or they are not about the source, but about the finger pointing to it. Everyone must find out such things for themselves.

‘To thine own self be true,’ Shakespeare remarked, but the Source declares ‘there is no self to be true to.’ Be true only to the Source, who comes to us in quiet moments as inspiration, melodic peacefulness and a bliss that cannot be equalled by any pharmaceutical concoction. The search is an individual one that leads not to individuation but to non-local identity, a sense of self perceived through everything both human and non-human. We see ourselves reflected in the face of a stranger, or a tree, or a breeze blowing across a verdant valley. We are there and everywhere at once and at the same time, no where. We are all things and nothing, the alpha and the omega. The omnipotence of a dove and the impotence of a nuclear bomb. The dogs of war may bay at the moon, but the moon is as indifferent as the Source. The Source is patient. The Divine more expansive than the small minds that attempt to create a hegemony over the soul of humanity.

Relax. The greatest weapon truth has is time. And now is not the time to lose ourselves in restless anxiety. The Source has dictated the game plan, and stands at the sidelines cheering humanity for enduring what was thought unendurable. But we are a strong race, both loving and forgiving. For this, we have much to be thankful of. For this, we have much to anticipate in the days, months and years ahead.

http://www.regolish.blogspot.com.au link to original article

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