Laura Bruno – Are You Sure? – 14 October 2012

As Life churns around us, even those of us who’ve committed to a peaceful, loving, joyful, Earth-harmonious existence continue to receive little blasts from the Universe: “Are you sure you want to give up all the old ways? There’s still time to bail out of the New World you’ve said you desire. Are you sure you want the new?”

Such “opportunities” may arrive in the form of old relationship issues rearing their ugly heads, nearly resolved patterns reasserting themselves, an avalanche of seemingly serious health issues, and/or dramatic displays of exactly what you’ve determined you do not want. I see this dynamic appear with many clients, most of whom initially panic, thinking they’ve somehow slipped off path.

They call me wondering how after all their intending and positive visualization they suddenly find themselves in a surreal display of their own personal definition of hell. They feel tempted to throw all their tools and life enhancements into the disappointing fire of yet more techniques and guidelines that do not work. Faith plummets.

“Where did I go wrong??” they ask. “I felt like things were going so well. I felt so sure of myself. Things were good, but now they feel so off that I wonder if I was crazy all along. Seriously, Laura, where did I go wrong?????”

In most cases, it’s not a question of going wrong — not if you’ve been diligently creating and empowering the new. Rather, this blip of negativity usually means you’re getting very close to manifesting exactly what you most desire. You can transmute the “not wanted” into an extra powerful dose of:

“I want the change. I need the change. I am right to long for this change, and by all the power of the Universe, I now claim this change for myself and for the planet. Without apology. Without explanation. This change is mine, and it’s coming, and I am so hungry for it that I can already smell and taste it. My appetite has peaked, and I know what I want.

“No matter what others around me order as their meal, I know what’s coming on my plate. If something else appears to arrive instead, I will return that plate and demand what I ordered. Because I know how wonderful, empowering and satisfying this change will be. And I know how this change will sustain me in the new, exciting, loving and potent life I’m creating for myself. If something else appears on my plate right now, I will kindly return it to the Universal kitchen, rekindle my powerful, anticipatory vibration, and get ready for one amazing feast after another. I feel so excited and joyful to experience what the Universe and I have cooked up for ourselves. Mmmmmhmmm. Bring it, please, and bring it soon. I am ready, and thank you very much.”

Consider any surges of the not-wanted as an opt-out clause in your ordering process. If you feel certain of what you want, then you can return the unwanted to sender. Don’t engage. Don’t despair. Simply return the unwanted plate and get back to imagining and savoring what you desire. If the “order mix-up” brings to light other garnish or ingredients you’d love to include in your original order, then use this time to tweak that request, and again, prepare yourself to receive. Energies support fulfillment of exactly what you most desire right now. In Divine dispensation in the fullness of time, let the feast begin! link to original article

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