Daily Archives: October 11, 2012

American Kabuki – Supreme Court Denies Chevron $19bn Equador Appeal – 11 October 2012

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-198925619 October 2012

Supreme Court denies Chevron $19bn Ecuador appeal

The US Supreme Court has declined to block a judgement from an Ecuadorean court that a US oil firm pay billions in damages for pollution in the Amazon. Continue reading

Matt Taibbi – Another Bailed-Out Bank Accused Of Fraud – 11 October 2012

OPINION ~ Earlier this year, Charlie Munger, who is billionaire Warren Buffet’s right hand at Berkshire Hathaway and a sort of self-proclaimed mad oracle of Wall Street, made some interesting comments. He bashed people who buy gold, delivering an all-time amazing quote:

Gold is a great thing to sew onto your garments if you’re a Jewish family in Vienna in 1939 but civilized people don’t buy gold – they invest in productive businesses. Continue reading

Lisa Gawlas – The Golden Energy of The Love Frequency And Your New Music Of Life Made Manifest! – 11 October 2012

I sure hope everyone brought not only their dancing shoes, but also their gym shoes… we are going to be working out this amazing field of interactive life energy thru the rest of this year.  Building it, strengthening it, and understanding how to use it proficiently.  The main equipment is our emotional field of resonance.  Everything else is an addition or subtraction of the desired outcome. Continue reading

Dana Mrkich – October 2012: Hearts Opening, Birth Push Time And The Divine Feminine Roaring To Life! – 11 October 2012

Monthly Visions now available with Commentary on You Tube!

“There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power.
They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues.
They are messengers of overwhelming grief…. and unspeakable love.” – Washington Irving Continue reading

Jon Rappoport – Psychiatrists Drugging Children For “Social Justice?” – 11 October 2012


It’s the latest thing. Psychiatrists are now giving children in poor neighborhoods Adderall, a dangerous stimulant, by making false diagnoses of ADHD, or no diagnoses at all. Their aim? To “promote social justice,” to improve academic performance in school. Continue reading

Bill Ballard – New Higher Frequency Energies Incoming – Times They ARE A Changing – 11 October 2012

Uploaded on 11 October 2012 by Very intense Light came in yesterday and this morning with the 10-10 Gateway. I am waking to a new level of frequency this morning, ah so wonderful! Of course it will continue as we experience the rest of 2012 and the lower levels of vbration are replaced by the higher vibrations. What a wonderful time to be on Earth! Times, they are a changin! LOVE!

Lucas – I Got A Feeling – 11 October 2012

It  is a great day for me.  I got a feeling. I feel laughing and smiling all day long, just remembering all is Now and is Now changing.  No more waiting.  I see it all going on. Talking with friends over what is going on.  Seeing more and more the things as they are. Even a radio interview scheduled for a second time did not go through without notice, but  I do not care, I am still smiling and seeing all is just like it is and it is fine. Continue reading

BBC News – Nigeria Oils Spills: Dutch Case Against Shell Begins – 11 October 2012

Nigerian farmers and their legal team at the law courts in The Hague. 11 Oct 2012 (Picture : The Nigerian farmers and their legal team argue that Shell could have prevented the spills)
Continue reading the main story

Nigeria’s Deadly Delta

Representatives of Anglo-Dutch oil giant Shell are appearing in a Dutch civil court to face accusations of polluting Nigerian villages.

The case is being brought by four Nigerian farmers and the Dutch branch of campaigners Friends of the Earth. Continue reading

The Raw Story – David Edwards – Court Declares 92 Occupy Chicago Arrests Unconstitutional – 11 October 2012

Two New York City police officers arrest a man during the "Occupy Wall Street" protests. Photo: Flickr user anjanjanj.

A judge in Cook County, Illinois on Thursday dismissed over 90 cases against Occupy Chicago activists on the grounds that they violated the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. Continue reading

Sharon Taphorn – Angel Wisdom – Direction – There Are Many Possible Paths – 11 October 2012


There Are Many Possible Paths

There are many choices for you to make as you prepare to move ahead in a big way. The best path is the one that feeds your mind, your heart and your soul. It is so important for you to find your balance in this world so you can move on to the next stage unencumbered by the past. If you have been working on your relationship with your higher self, guides and angels, you will know the best path for you to take. If you are just learning to trust your inner guidance, this is a wonderful opportunity to bloom and grow. Take the time to tune in and listen and then notice the signs, as there are many from which to choose. Continue reading