Anaheim Police Shoot At Women And Children, Unleash K-9 Attack Dog – 22 July 2012

Uploaded on 22 July 2012 by ( Lucas:  It seems to me the police are once again overstepping the boundaries of lawfulness. This is very seriously looking as unprovoked and unfounded  police violence against innocent people  and even if they were protesting.) FAIR USE ACT NOTICE ———— WATCH THIS !!! All references sources attached below:

The video images show police treating people as if they were in Alabama during the civil rights era. Cops shooting at women and children and releasing a K-9 dog that nearly attacked a mother holding her child.

July 21, 2012- “Video captured by a KCAL-TV crew showed a chaotic scene in which officers fired beanbag rounds as some people ducked to the ground while others scattered screaming. A man is seen yelling at an officer even as a weapon is pointed at him; two adults huddled to shield a boy and girl. Meanwhile, a police dog ran into several people sitting on the grass, including a woman and child in a stroller, before biting a man in the arm.”

One man said, “They just started shooting.”
Police also set a K-9 officer on one woman and a bystander they said were agitating the situation. Said Susan Lopez, “I had my baby with me. My baby! The dog scratched me and then grabbed me.” She added, “They shot at me while I was holding a baby!” Another woman yelled, “They just shot at us, they shot at a little kid, too.”…

A police shooting that left a man dead led to a violent clash as angry witnesses threw bottles at officers who responded with tear gas and beanbag rounds to suppress the crowd, authorities said. The man was shot in front of an apartment complex around 4 p.m. Saturday following a foot chase, Anaheim Sgt. Bob Dunn said. He died three hours later at a hospital. source:…

(Bottles being thrown at officers or aggressive actions against officers cannot be verified at this time.)

Some in the crowd said they had inhaled some of the pepper spray during the melee. Joel Hunt, 21, of Fullerton was in the area visiting a friend when the shooting happened. He was part of the crowd, and he said his throat was still burning from the effects of being sprayed.

Rojas said a stroller with her 1-year-old grandson was toppled over and the baby was nearly attacked by a police dog that escaped from its handler. Dunn said a police dog had accidently escaped from a K-9 officer who then tried to regain control of the dog. Dunn said there were injuries related with the escaped dog but he doesn’t know the extent, adding that this incident and melee are under investigation.

Near Riot Breaks Out After Officer-Involved Shooting In Anaheim

Deadly officer-involved shooting leads to violent clash between witnesses, Anaheim police By The Associated Press July 22, 2012

This Video is not for profit, It is shared/used for the purpose of research, criticism, review and news reporting under the fair dealing exceptions 29, 29.1 and 29.2 of the Canadian Copyright Act (R.S.1985 c, C-42)….

Broadcaster: KCAL-TV

Video Credit/source:…

4 responses to “Anaheim Police Shoot At Women And Children, Unleash K-9 Attack Dog – 22 July 2012

  1. This was totally police brutality,Just wait this is nothing, the goverment have all these Fema camps ready to put inocent people in these prison camps, so people beware. Our so call goverment,{Cable}. Want to reduce the population.So they can easily control the human population. Much Love and amazeing Light to all, Anthony…

  2. Reblogged this on 2012 Indy Info.

  3. Sarah Smith

    We need to stick together, love and peace to all involved…