Visionkeeper – Color Your Life Beautiful – 14 April 2012

I am sure you have heard the old saying ‘Life is what you make of it’. It is so true and quite often I speak about how our thoughts create our reality. Is your life black or white or do you welcome in the colors to add joy to your life? Life doesn’t have to be just black or white. How we live our lives and how we choose to look upon them is up to us. Every summer I like to plant a flower bed so I can have cut flowers in my home all the time. Beautiful colors and enticing aromas. Just a single vase sitting on a table or window sill can add such joy. How about the clothes you wear or your hair style? Is it the same old same old or do you get daring and bold and go for the colors and new styles? If you feel like you are in a rut you probably are. It doesn’t take a lot of effort to change things, it just takes that first step towards making the change.

A new outfit to wear, a new hair style can make all the difference in the world in how you feel about your life. They give you a boost up and you tend to view things differently from your new perch. We need to be creating new ways of seeing our lives now. It is almost impossible to stay stuck in our same stations in life and imagine new ways of being. We have to first make a change so we can envision our new life with fresh eyes. I am not saying you have to move, or sell your house or anything major. Small changes can trigger a new you as well. These small changes not only give you new vision they keep you moving. If our life doesn’t keep a slow, gentle, flowing motion, we become mired down and soon we find ourselves stuck in a rut that repeats itself everyday, month after month, year after year.

The trouble with that scenario is not only do our lives get mired in the cement, our minds do as well. Our thoughts tend to stop being flexible and we become rigid in our thinking. How in heaven’s name can we change anything in our world if we are living rigid lives thinking from rigid brains? We must be flexible in our lives and minds so we are open to receiving new ideas and new ways of seeing things. I think one of the more important missions we have before us is to be able to open our minds so we can envision a new way of being. We cannot successfully build a new world on top of the old world’s failures. We must clean the slate and start again, but we will need the blueprints of what we want to go by. It is imperative we open our minds and become accepting of new ways and releasing old ways of being.

If you find it too difficult to open up to the truth of what is going on in the world then start small. Begin by changing your immediate life through flowers, wardrobes and hairstyles. It is time to step outside of the old 3D beings we have been for so long and embrace the shift that is upon us. Sooner or later we must recognize the illusion we have been living in and the perpetrators of that illusion and move on from that scenario. It is suffocating and imprisoning and if we want our freedom we must be willing to face life’s realities and change them if we don’t like them. Add color to your life and become a new you.

Blessings to you all,

Visionkeeper link to original article

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