Jamye – Weekly Lightblast – Humanity Arising – 28 August 2014

JamyePrice2012closeupAt the solstice of December 2012 you amplified a Light initiation that altered the flow of Time in your experience. This turning of the Time clock actually happened before that through your intent, but it was when your intent and the cosmic clock met to take the next step together. At the solstice of December 2013, you had spent a year of recalibrating your energy field with much release of discord and activation of your innate Divinity into the Earth plane. We told you at this time (December 2013) that due to your courage to carry the hopes of humanity rising upon your shoulders, the balance of dark/light (fear/Love) had been tipped to Love. The unseen world responds first and then in-form-ation transduces into form. This will continue, but you reached a turning point in your Ascension on both of those auspicious markers. Here, then, is another. Your courage to continue refining your vibration, your focus, your world has resulted in another marker point. What is a marker point, but merely a platform of growth noted. Your growth still continues, your Ascension still continues and change still continues. Yet there is a difference.

You, individually you, are coming to another level of your innate power. You have learned so much about the power of your focus, the power of your Love, the power of your forgiveness, and again, the power of your focus. This creates a unity that is a greater truth beyond what is seen with your physical senses and experiences. You are becoming less divided and more Divine, the grace of Love manifest in various forms. It is through your Free Will choice to change, that you have cultivated the courage to Ascend, Arise and elevate humanity with your Love. It is not a path of completion, it is a path of continuance. Open your heart and mind to receive your intrinsic power and use it to uplift your own life and to exalt the potential in all others. It is a benefit of releasing Shame, you elevate your inherent Love and the Love within all others. It is how the meek inherit the Earth. Meek does not mean underpowered, it means not overpowering. The meek do not control the details of others, they support the empowerment of Love. That uplifts you and others. That is true Power.

As we sit to Blast Humanity Arising, we are appreciating the Ascension of our Love as we uplift ourselves and humanity. We are understanding our power on a new level of connection and creation as we focus our Love on improving Life rather than holding life down with the denigration of shame. We are opening our hearts to miracles yet imagined as we understand the power to focus our Love into manifest form. We are the wayshowers of the power to forgive, forge new paths and foster the growth of Love on Earth. We are changing the world, one powerful choice to Love at a time. Blast on!

www.weeklylightblast.blogspot.com / link to original article

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