Lucas – Some Interesting News – 26 April 2012

Charles Taylor Convicted on 11 Points – Special Court For Sierra Leone –   The Hague – The Netherlands : link to whole press release: Press release about trial conviction Charles TaylorCharles Ghankay Taylor, the former President of Liberia, was convicted today on all counts of an 11-count indictment which alleged that he was responsible for crimes committed by rebel forces during Sierra Leone’s decade-long civil war. The Special Court’s Trial Chamber II found unanimously that Mr. Taylor aided and abetted RUF and AFRC rebels in the commission of war crimes and crimes against humanity in Sierra Leone. Mr. Taylor was convicted on Count 1 for acts of terrorism (a war crime), on Count 2 for murder (a crime against humanity), on Count 3 for murder (a war crime), on Count 4 for rape (a crime against humanity), on Count 5 for sexual slavery (a crime against humanity), on Count 6 for outrages upon personal dignity (a war crime), on Count 7 for cruel treatment (a war crime), on Count 8 for inhumane acts, including mutilations and amputations, (a crime against humanity), on Count 9 for the recruitment, enlistment and use of child soldiers, on Count 10 for enslavement (a crime against humanity), and on Count 11 for pillage (a war crime).

Her is the link to the whole verdict: link to verdict court

Cameron caught in Murdoch storm : Ashis Ray -The India Times

LONDON: British PM David Cameron has been sent scurrying for cover following revelations made by media mogul Rupert Murdoch’s son, James, about the closeness between News Corp and the minister for culture, media and sport, Jeremy Hunt, in the government.

James’s testimony before a judicial inquiry into phonehacking and press standards being conducted by Lord Justice Brian Leveson suggested close consultation between him and Hunt in respect of a controversial bid by News Corp to increased its holding in British direct-to-home service provider BSkyB from 39% to 100%. This was based on 163 pages of emails.

(Read More : link to original article)

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