Tony Robbins – The $15 Trillion US National Debt Deconstructed – 26 April 2012

Uploaded on 2 April 2012. Watch Tony Robbins discuss the $15 trillion U.S. national debt — how big is it really? And what can we do about the enormous federal budget deficit?

( Comment Lucas : nicely deconstructed. Only what is the solution not more debt not more revenues or better said keeping the system? Right! So what should we do? I believe you have been  given the answer already a lot of times here and elsewhere in the alternative media. Dump the system, abolish debt-slavery, skip the money addiction and get rid of false believes that this Fiat Currency system is the only true financial system . Ask yourselves why only a few will get the benefits from this system even as we the people get hit by foreclosures, debt-terrorism, bankers greed, tax increases, social deprivation, food stamps growth, the taking  of your unalienable rights and so on.What is your choice? Going to take a vote for what? A non-existing democracy that does not honour the constitution and bill of rights. A democracy where your vote just is given to those who have the most exposure on tv,  have the best manipulators of the news, polls, etc.,  that corporate money can buy? I What about your elected representatives that do not serve nor honour the constitution. Those that get money or other revenues  for their votes by the lobbyists are they Democratic. Do you vote for a democracy that you can buy? There must be something really wrong or is there not? The answers to those questions should make you think whatever party you choose left, right, independent or whatever that still operates within this system can not bring the real change! A change that sets people free, gives them their unalienable rights back in full and gives them again abundance.)


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