Steve Beckow – Norway Refuses To Hate Or Be Afraid – 26 April 2012

Singalong protest in Oslo

(People gather in central Oslo to sing a song hated by mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik. Photograph: Kyrre Lien/AFP/Getty Images)

Congratulations to the people of Norway, who continue to demonstrate fearlessness and love to the world. Thanks to Edvard.

Thousands gather in Oslo to sing song Anders Breivik hates  Reuters/Guardian, April 26, 2012

About 40,000 people sing 1970s song Children of the Rainbow, which Breivik described as Marxist propaganda

Up to 40,000 Norwegians have staged an emotionally charged singalong in Oslo near the court building where Anders Behring Breivik is on trial for the murder of 77 people in a protest organisers said showed he had not broken their tolerant society.

Read more at link to original article

2 responses to “Steve Beckow – Norway Refuses To Hate Or Be Afraid – 26 April 2012


    WE are ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((ONE))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

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