Red Ice Creations Radio – Interview With The Late Rik Clay – 2012 Predictions, London Olympics, NWO, Royal Family… Its Time To Wake Up –

Uploaded by on 24 January 2012.

This is a other video with some pics that are cut out the other video

Lucas:  In my vision on things you take this illuminati/dark cabal info as info how they operate and think.  There will be for sure trying  or attempting things. They do all for us to get into fear mode again and therefore lower our energy status again so they can stay a bit longer.  Stay away from it, you need not fear anything.  It will no be happening. We just need to focus  our selves on our heart center and the higher frequencies that is  a strong and powerful energy and we can visualize or meditate on positive manifesting of things and not on negative manifesting in thinking of preventing  or fearing attacks.  Just think about the new golden age of peace, love and abundance and unity already established. See yourselves living the wanted new way.  See yourselves bading in the abundance. Having enough of everything.  See only love and unity around you.

One response to “Red Ice Creations Radio – Interview With The Late Rik Clay – 2012 Predictions, London Olympics, NWO, Royal Family… Its Time To Wake Up –

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